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Several Months Later

Percy eyed Bronx, who was already in the air, hovering in place, waiting for her.

Today was the day she’d try flying for the first time.

Her dragon spoke up.Don’t be nervous. We’ve had loads of shifting practice.

Yes, but we’ve never really done more than jump into the air, hover, and land.

We can do it. And best of all, we can share our first flight with Bronx and meet up with Violet near the lake.

And there’s definitely no one else I’d rather share this memory with.

Besides, we need to fly whilst we still can. Once we’re too pregnant and fat, the doctors won’t let us.

And once the doctors gave the order, Bronx would make sure she followed it. Even though Dr. Sid and Dr. Innes had assured him Percy was strong and doing well, he worried. When it came to their baby, Percy had to be the strong one.

Not that she minded. She couldn’t wait to add to their little family.

Placing a hand over the slight swell of her belly, she waved at her mate. He swished his tail, mimicking a wave, and she said to her beast,Okay, then let’s try this.

She tugged off her dress—resisting the urge to stare at her recent dragon tattoo yet again—and closed her eyes, uncaring that Dr. Sid, Nikki, and the dragon teacher, Ella, were watching her.

Being nude in front of anyone was still new to her, and everyone had made accommodations, ensuring only females were present when she shifted. It made her feel less like some bug being watched, like when she’d been inside the facility.

Well, most of the time.

Her dragon sighed.Stop stalling.

Allowing her dragon to come to the forefront of her mind, she imagined her fingers extending into talons, wings growing from her back, her nose elongating into a snout, and her body stretching, growing, and shifting into her dragon form. Once she finished, she opened her eyes and snapped open her wings.

Even though she’d been in this form dozens of times now, it still amazed her to see scales instead of skin, or a tail and wings instead of just her human back and bum.

Her dragon grunted.Come on. Let’s fly.

Crouching, Percy readied herself for the all-important first jump. Without enough lift, she wouldn’t have room to move her wings.

One second then another, and she finally used her powerful rear limbs to launch into the air while simultaneously beating her wings. For a second, she faltered and thought she might crash, but she caught herself in time. Up, and up, and up she went, until she hovered right next to Bronx. He gave a low roar of approval and then gestured for them to head toward the lake.

Even if it wouldn’t be a long flight today, she didn’t care. It was time to cross one of the last hurdles to becoming a fully-fledged dragon-shifter.

She dove down a little and then beat upward until she could find enough wind to coast on. Once she located it, she spread her wings and took in the landscape below. Everything was so tiny. The people were mere specks, the cottages looked like toys, and even the small children practicing their dragon shifting in the schoolyard looked like a dream.

So engrossed in the scenery, she didn’t realize for a second that Bronx had caught up with her. He grunted, and she swiveled her head. Seeing her mate flying, his majestic form glinting in the sunshine, made her incredibly proud. She had the handsomest dragon for a mate, and he was the sexiest one in his human form too.

He dove down, down, and then pulled up at the last moment. Percy wasn’t ready to attempt that trick. But she loved watching Bronx perform his maneuvers from this vantage point instead of from the ground.

The lake came into view, and Violet’s green dragon form jumped into the air to meet them. She was smaller than her father, but not much bigger than Percy.

Her stepdaughter roared her greeting, and Percy did the same. Then they all headed toward the final destination—one of the hills dotted around Stonefire’s lands. She needed to skillfully land at the designated spot, where she’d be evaluated by Tristan and Kai. Only once they gave her the all-clear could she fly without supervision.

The two males finally came into view, and Percy took a few deep breaths. She didn’t want to fail.

Her dragon spoke up.You won’t.Wewon’t. We’re ready.

Bronx nodded at her before settling to the side of the teachers. He had gotten better about compensating for the fake dragon foot and remained upright. Violet followed her father, and they both watched and waited for Percy to land.

Slowly, she hovered and descended. If she came in too fast, she’d crash. Too slow, and she might still tumble and lose her balance.
