Page 8 of You Will Bow

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He’s right, I am lying. My palms are sweating, my heart still rapid firing, while at the same time, it’s breaking, because I’m allowing three best friends to be pinned against one another.

Lev’s nostrils flare as he walks me past the guys. He has to know their level of possessiveness.

I subtly pull back, hoping he’ll let go, but he doesn’t. He gives me a firm squeeze and glowers at me, gritting, “Quit fighting this.”

“They’re going to make a big deal out of it. You know they will.”

“Why?” He huffs under his breath. “Because they think I’m not good enough for you? Is that what you think? Do you think you’re better than me?”

“No. Not at all.” My voice is a whisper between us. “But they’ve told me things about you…” I’m putting my foot in my mouth. I need to just shut the hell up before I really mess things up. Lev is a ticking bomb, and the last thing I need is for any one of them to make a scene.

He stops walking abruptly, jerking my hand along with him. “What things?”

I gulp, now at the center of all three of them again, because Maddox and Ridge are hot on our trail.

“Come on, Angel,” Ridge takes my other hand, pinning Lev with a hefty scowl as he says, “Let her go.”

“Can’t do that,” Lev tells him, his defiance on display. “Riley was in the middle of telling me something.” His eyes skate to mine, causing goosebumps to break out on my arms. “Go on.”

I shake my head slowly. “I don’t know what I was saying. Can we all just get out of here?” My eyes dance around the open space, where a few students are watching us inconspicuously. “People are looking at us.”

“Riley was telling me that you two said some things about me to her? Any idea what she’s talking about?” He watches me as he speaks to them, seeing if I’ll react. All the while, knowing how much I hate being in the middle of this.

My back steels, while Maddox and Ridge share a glance before they both look at me, too. Once again, I’m the center of attention. I hate being put on the spot. Should have kept my damn mouth shut. Now this is all going to be put on me. I’ll be forced to rat on Maddox and Ridge, telling Lev what they said.

I open my mouth but stop when Ridge pipes up. “She was probably referring to me warning her to stay away from you. Told her you were a fucking maniac, which we all know to be true.”

My eyes soften, and I thank Ridge with a slight smile.

“Ah.” Lev taps his chin. “As opposed to you being sane?”

Ridge pats Lev on the shoulder. “Never claimed to be sane.” His hand slides up, landing on Lev’s neck. With little pressure, his fingertips sink into his skin. “Let her go.”

Lev tips his chin. “Fuck off.”

“Dude, just let her the fuck go!” Maddox snaps, before wrapping his arm around my shoulders. He pulls me into him, but Lev still doesn’t concede. “You see, this is exactly why you need to stay far away from him.”

“I’m fine,” I tell Maddox. Another lie sewn on my sleeve. It’s obvious I’m not fine. Ridge is choking Lev because he won’t let go of my fucking hand. I squirm and jerk and pull, but the animal refuses to unleash me.

I watch as Ridge strangles him harder, cringing at the sight because there is nothing gentle about the way he’s manhandling Lev.

“Jesus Christ! Would you guys stop this?”

Lev growls, his teeth grinding brutally, but he doesn’t fight back or fend Ridge off. His lack of reaction only eggs Ridge on further, causing him to squeeze with all his might, likely cutting off Lev’s air supply.

I pull my hand, fighting to get free, so Ridge will let him go before he passes out.

Seconds later, Lev lets me go.

Ridge drops his hold on him and takes a step back, while I rub the marks on my hand from where Lev was gripping me.

“Shouldn’t have had to go this far,” Ridge tells Lev, and I’m in complete agreement. None of this has to be this way. “Just stay the fuck away from her and all is fine.”

“Oh really?” Lev scoffs. “So, you two fuckwads can do whatever you want with her. Pass her around, toy with her, make her believe you’re saints. But I’m the bad guy here?”

Ridge quickly takes it upon himself to lead me away. We pass by the group of students who were watching the situation unfold. Whispers flow among them, but I pay them little attention. It’s only a matter of time before everyone is gossiping about me. The guys have taken care of Cade. Apparently, they forced him away and told him to never show his face again. Since Cade is the one who was framing me for crimes I didn’t commit, I know I’m safe in that respect. However, my secret is spreading far and wide, and now it’s fallen into hands that want to punish me.

One wrong move, and Lev will turn on me. I have no doubt in my mind. Leaving with Ridge is bound to piss him off, and later, I fear I’ll be faced with the consequences of this decision.

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