Page 51 of Delphine's Dilemma

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He seemed happy about the prospects of his friend’s happily ever after, but I shook my head. Taliesin, the ancient fae man, gave a grave nod of his head like he understood. Rhoan, however, looked between the two of us with open confusion.

“Delphine was promised to me ages ago. Her father wanted to conjoin our courts, and so he offered me his daughter.” I twirled my hammer in my hand. Construction was far more enjoyable than I’d originally thought. “I cannot ask Del to be my betrothed again. I’d much rather let her live the life that she wants and hope that she wants to stay beside me.”


I alreadyknewshe wanted to stay with me. Our hearts were intertwined. Fate had seen our threads and woven them into a tapestry that sprawled out with untold stories ahead. Together, Del and I would explore them all, one by one.

Yet Rhoan seemed disappointed. The man pouted before lifting another wall frame into place.

We were finishing the rest of the apartments in the warehouse. Soon, there would be other tenants. I might have to consider creating a new domain just to keep our volume level to a minimum, because I knew there was much more Del and I had yet to explore in the bedroom.

This life was quiet and simple. I didn’t miss the violence of the battlefield at all. The impact of the hammer in my hand, the saw in my grasp, or any other tool gave me all the power I needed.

When the sun set, Tal gave us a salute and slipped off to see his vampire boyfriend. I, too, set down my tools and ventured outside to pick up food for Del. She’d been off, working another bounty, and I couldn’t wait to surprise her with dinner.
