Page 41 of Break Me, Daddy

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“To the Emerald Isle,” she dictated, and I cleared my throat.

“You can’t come with me, Ada. As respectful as the Morozovs have been with my family, that doesn’t negate that it would be dangerous to bring you along. You should stay with your brothers while I handle this,” I said firmly.

Her eyes jerked to mine, her expression rife with amusement. She kept them locked on mine, leaving me with no question that she wasn’t going to back down on this.

“I’m going with you, Shane,” she replied, like it was the simplest thing in the world.

“Last night, little girl, I gave you a taste of my belt. Don’t make me give it to you for real this time,” I warned her.

The Russian bratva was notorious for being one of the most viciously ruthless crime families in the world. It was an organization run by men, for men, and there was little to no room for a woman in it. As far as I knew, Maxim could refuse the meeting and decide to kill Ada himself. I knew that I was probably overreacting, but this was my future wife, and I wanted to protect her. This seemed like an unnecessary risk that I didn’t want her to take.

Especially if I’d put a baby in her belly last night.

The thought was very appealing, and my cock reacted in kind, hardening into iron steel within seconds. As if she could read my mind, she leaned towards me with a smirk, reaching to pat my cock gently. There was a thick layer of fabric that kept her fingertips separated from my flesh, yet it was more than enough to make my erection rage with need.

“Tomorrow night, Daddy,” she murmured, her lips raising with seductive promise and my cock grew so hard it hurt.

She’d called meDaddy.

Those two syllables rolled over in my mind on repeat. My gaze remained glued to her, trying to get a read on her while grappling with my painfully hard cock at the same time. That single word had sent a jolt of pleasure surging straight from the base of my spine, and I wasn’t going to ignore it.

I hadn’t expected her to ever utter a phrase like that. The more it revolved in my mind though, the more I liked it, and the more I wanted to hear it from her lips again.

Maybe with my cock deep inside that tight little pussy while she screamed it for me.


The image of that alone was almost enough to make me come. Her smirk widened, and I lifted my brow. Did she actually want me to use my belt on her for real? Was that something my little badass needed from me?

The puzzle of Ada Murphy had seemingly intensified.

Did she want me to punish her for defying me? I narrowed my eyes, dismissing the thought. Ada wasn’t the type of woman that needed correction, but there was something else that she might be craving, and she just might trust me enough to give it to her.

The limo pulled away and Ada already had her phone pressed to her ear.

“I want everything we have on the Morozovs sent to my phone ASAP. Every member in the organization, every possible alliance, who owes who how much money. When I say everything, I mean it. Furthermore, I want a special focus on Maxim Morozov. I want to know what he does each and every day, his favorite restaurant, how he takes his coffee, the works. Send it within the hour,” she dictated, and I grinned as she hung up, not waiting for a response.

Seeing her so in her element was far more arousing than I’d anticipated. I kept quiet, fully enjoying the show.

Tomorrow, I’d put her on her knees. Today, I’d let her reign free.

She phoned her brother Kieran next. From the bits and pieces that I picked up, he wasn’t particularly excited that she was going along to the meeting with me to meet Maxim, but he understood its importance. After she explained everything, I could hear the trust in his voice as he informed her of a few integral details of his own. At the end of the call, he wished her good luck and that he would have their men on call should she need them.

She was already a powerful queen in her own right, and that’s when I truly recognized what a lucky man I was to have her at my side.



Within a few hours, Ada had an impressively extensive file on the Morozovs hand-delivered to her via courier. As we went through it together, we learned that Maxim had been widowed years ago, that he only drank his coffee black, that his favorite vodka was from a little-known distillery east of Moscow, that his shoes were a size fifteen and that he wore a massive gold ruby ring that was rumored to be full of poison should he need to dispose of someone with a simple flick of the wrist. His rule was a ruthless one, and he’d stopped at nothing to build an empire for himself and his impressively loyal bratva family.

It also exposed the soft heart he had for his daughter.

By the time Ada and I walked into the Emerald Isle Hotel that afternoon, I felt like I knew the man inside and out. We arrived a good half hour before he did and got settled in the presidential suite. Not only were we outfitted with a large group of men, but all of them were armed to the teeth. I placed them all over the hotel and then called a few more in to ensure that we would be protected in case this meeting went south. Additionally, there were several carefully placed cameras that would capture his likeness should we need to use it as evidence or even blackmail later, whatever ultimately proved more useful.

I wasn’t taking any chances, especially since Ada had insisted on coming along with me. Lesser men might have been upset by her blatant defiance, but I wasn’t, not even a little bit. In fact, I was kind of relieved to have her by my side and to have her help through all of this. It was clear that she’d proctored alliances like this in the past, while I hadn’t been exposed to a situation like this before. Much of my adult life had been spent in Ireland, and even the years I’d spent in Boston before my time overseas didn’t count for much because I’d been living in my father’s shadow. That was why her experience was so paramount.

There was still danger associated with this sort of thing. I could only minimize the risk so much. If anything did happen, though, I would be there to protect her. As much as I trusted my men, and hers as well, I would be the only one that would truly watch out for her. If it ever came down to it, I’d jump in front of a bullet for her. There wasn’t even a question in my mind.
