Page 14 of That One Night

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“If you had asked me this morning, I would have said no,” I answered truthfully. “But as of right now, I honestly don’t know. Part of me wants to say yes because this,” I motioned between him and I. “Doesn’t feel like happenstance. It feels like it was supposed to happen.” And it did. I felt it straight down to the marrow.

Lucas’s sigh rocked his chest. I watched the tension drain from his shoulders, his neck, and especially his jaw.

“That’s exactly how I feel too.”

Without warning, Lucas raised my hand to his lips. Softly, he kissed the back several times as our eyes connected. A wave of desire rippled through me, taking my breath with it as it coursed along its current.

“This has been the best day of my life, Ariel, “he whispered, his warm breath teasing my skin.

Holy shit! Where in the hell did you come from? And what took you so long to show up?

I blew out a sharp breath, suddenly overcome by the intimacy of his gesture and the way it made my body feel like it wanted to spontaneously combust.

“I think dinner is done,” I announced, even though both of us had barely touched our pasta.

“Me too,” he added, sensing the nature of my thoughts. “Dinner’s definitely over.”

I watched Lucas flag the server down and promptly hand his card over to settle the bill. I moved to argue, insisting that I could pay for myself, but my companion wouldn’t hear of it.

“I’m capable of paying for myself,” I argued again, slightly displeased that he’d shrugged off my ability to pay.

“I know. Just let me do this, please. You can get the next one.” Lucas’s rushed reply came just as he was putting his wallet back in his pocket. “Right now, there are more important things than sitting here and arguing.”

A second later, I was out of my seat. With my hand firmly wrapped in his, Lucas led me down the street, headed for God only knew where. I went to ask him just where we were going, but didn’t get the chance. Just as I opened my mouth, Lucas pulled me into a quiet side street. Before I could blink, his mouth crashed down against mine and all thoughts that I had were gone. As he drank from my lips, he slowly walked me backwards until I was pressed up against the side of a building. He pulled away to briefly gaze at me before our mouths met again. He kissed me deep and slow, making me crazy with want. Not waiting for him to pick up on my cues, I reached up and threaded my fingers through his hair, pulling his head down so that I could take more of him. Luke groaned as my other hand slid across his side and settled just at the upper curve of his ass. Encouraged by his reaction, I licked the seam of his lips and drew his tongue into my mouth.

We kissed for what seemed like hours. By the time we both came up for air, chests heaving and lust-drunk, neither of us knew what to say.

“Cat got your tongue?” I asked finally as he traced my jawline with his finger.

“I was just thinking.”



My body burned like wildfire. From how he gazed at me, I knew that we were on the same wavelength. That his thoughts mirrored my own and hopefully, this night would end with us in bed, naked and sweat-soaked.

“What about me?” I asked nervously, despite trying to play it cool. I quickly realized it was no use with Lucas around. He made me feel like I was the priceless Stradivarius and he held the bow. He knew how to play me just so, leaving me no doubt that I would never waste another thought on Phil or his cheating ways.

“I was thinking about how I should kiss your cheek, wish you goodnight, and make the trek back to my hotel. Alone. But that’s not what I want to do.” His words sent tidal waves of pleasure flowing across my skin.

Our eyes met and I gulped. Gulped. And loudly. Lucas’s eyes twinkled wickedly as my reaction spurred him onward. “I want to take you back to my room, Ariella. Or yours. I don’t care as long as we’re together and alone. Once we get there, I want to slowly undress you. Then I’m going to kiss and caress every inch of your skin. I want to feel your body against mine. And I want to taste you. I’m aching to taste you. To bury myself deep inside of you until we there’s nothing but you and me.”

Lucas’s words only fed my already insatiable flame. I needed him. I needed this. To feel alive again. To give myself to him and lose myself until I didn’t know which end was up.

As I envisioned all the things I wanted to do to him, he continued to whisper the dirty things he wanted to do to me. My sex clenched in response. I squeezed my thighs together to alleviate the sudden ache.

“Where are you staying?” I gasped, staring at his lips like they were the sweetest candy.

“My hotel’s right over there.” He pointed to the building across from us.

“Your place, then. Mine’s too far and I don’t want to wait any longer than we have to.” Grabbing the back of his head, I kissed him thoroughly before pulling back and leading him towards where he was staying.

I was drowning in excitement. I grew more anxious with each step. My hunger for him gnawed at me until we reached his room. Once inside, he was on me, pinning me to the wall with his body and saying without words that he intended to deliver on every promise. I was breathless and gave myself over to him easily. I was about to have the night of my life. A night that I did not know would change my life forever.


