Page 18 of That One Night

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“Didn’t I tell you to bite me? Yeah? I thought so. The plane’s not through boarding yet, jackass. I have every right to talk to my best friend, buddy. So, why don’t you mind your own business and let me finish this conversation before they tell us to turn our phones off?”

I tried to muffle the laugh that burst out of my mouth while Lou continued to verbally rip that guy to shreds. My best friend in the world was a one-hundred-percent-pure-unadulterated firebrand and she did not care who knew it. We often joked that our tempers should have been reversed. Me, with my fire red hair, should have had Lou’s boldness and inability to tolerate crap of any kind while she, with her dark, dishwater blonde, should have been the calmer, quieter of the two.

“Anyways, like I was saying, I’m really happy for you, Ari. I really hope he makes you as happy. You deserve to be with the person that you love, and I hope you remember that. But don’t forget to breathe. Just let everything happen organically. And no getting in your head. No doubting yourself. And definitely no thinking about your store. Let Lucas help you forget about all of that. Even if it’s just for one night.”

A pang of regret arced painfully through my chest as I tried to ignore her words. In less than a week, my dream of owning my own florist shop would be dead. All because some selfish asshole couldn’t stop selling buildings to those who knocked them down, destroying the charm and the history in order to build yet another soulless eyesore high-rise.


“I’m here. Sorry I went quiet. I couldn’t help but go there.”

“I know. And now I feel like an ass for bringing it up, but I want you to know that no matter what happens, I’m going to be there with you every step of the way. And Lucas will be too. We’ll help you figure out what the next step will be.”

“Yeah,” I said, a dreamy tone mixing with my regular voice to create a faraway, breathy quality that reminded me of Mia Farrow in The Great Gatsby. “Knowing him, he’ll be holding my other hand right alongside you.”

“Now, seeing as that it’s almost seven, you need to go and meet your man. I’m sure he can’t wait to see you.”

“Have I told you lately just how much I love you, Lou? What would I ever do without you?”

“You’d be up shit creek without a paddle, Ari. And I love you too. You’re the best friend that anyone could ever ask for. Oh, it looks like we’re getting ready to depart. Before I go, I want to say to just remember to enjoy yourself and remember to breathe. You’ve spent over two years waiting for this. Don’t let anything ruin it for you.”

With that, Lou said goodbye and promptly hung up, but not before I heard her bark at her fellow passenger, saying, ”Happy now? The call’s over.”

Ten minutes later, I stood in the heart of the hotel’s Japanese water garden, staring as the cast stone sculpture of two koi fish while I anticipated what was to come. I didn’t have to wait much longer before that melodic, familiar voice sounded behind me.

“Ariel?” Lucas’s voice carried on the wind. Spinning on my heel, I turned to see him walking towards me. His mouth curved into a wide smile as our eyes met. The same smile that made my heart thump when we first met in Rome. “You came.” Even from a distance, I caught the twinkle in his eye and how his entire face lit up at the sight of me.

I smiled back and a second later, Lucas broke into a run and scooped me up into his arms.

His mouth crashed against mine. His kiss was tender yet hard, soft but desperate. And filled with longing. I shivered as his arms wrapped around me, pressing me so tightly to him that the lines that separated us blurred.

“Ariel,” he said, suddenly pulling his mouth from mine. I stared at those succulently divine lips, wishing they’d return so that I could lose myself in them again. His fingers stroked my cheek before tracing the edge of my chin. “Ariel, is it really you?” Lucas gazed at me as if I were Venus herself.

“It’s me. Is it you?” I caressed the long line of his neck and swept the hair back from his face.

Lucas answered me with a slow, heavy, and savory kiss. I melted against the hard wall of his chest as I surrendered to the delight he created within me.

“Ariel,” he whispered against my lips as he set me back down onto my feet and promptly captured my face between his hands. “I’m so sorry,” he apologized. I started, surprised by his apology. Instantly, my eyes were wet and tears rolled down my cheeks.

“You don’t have to apologize, my love,” I choked out, overcome by the nearness of him and finally, FINALLY, holding him in my arms again.

“Oh baby, but I do. I need to explain what happened. I lost my phone. That’s why I didn’t call you. I’m just surprised that you didn’t try to contact me.” He dipped his head down and kissed me again, softer this time.

“I tried. I honestly tried, but some asshole stole my backpack in the Atlanta airport and my phone was inside. I tried to find you. Lou even let me look through her social media accounts, but there are thousands of Lucas Reynolds out there. I nearly drove myself crazy looking through all those profiles, only to be met with men that definitely were not you.”

“You searched for me?” He was almost flabbergasted. I nodded in answer.

“I did. Lou and I searched constantly for the longest time with no luck. I even tried your hotel, but they wouldn’t help me, even after I tried to bribe the concierge for your contact info,” I explained my reason for radio silence. “Once a week, she and I still search for you, only to come up empty-handed. I’m sorry that I didn’t call. I’m so sorry that I lost you.”

“It’s alright. You had your bag stolen. Besides, none of that matters anymore,” he said excitedly. “You’re here. I’m here. We’re together.” He kissed me again.

We were together. Swirls of bliss surged through my veins as I imagined the possibilities that our futures now held. Futures shared with one another instead of separately. A future with a wedding and children…

The wedding.

A new wave of guilt swept through me as I briefly thought back to the biggest event of the day.

“I’m sorry about the wedding,” I blurted out. Instantly, I regretted the words as they tumbled off my tongue. A dark cloud briefly passed over Luke’s features, but he swept them away.
