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‘Finn, please. I’m going out of my mind here. I’ll do anything. Just give it to me, for heaven’s sake—’

With a primitive sound that rumbled from his chest he crawled back up her body, prowling like a starved animal, his eyes dark as midnight, his body shaking with the strain of holding back.


‘Anything,’ she said, softly panting, her gaze fastened on his delectable mouth.

‘Beg me for it.’

Time stilled together with her heartbeat.

Power play. Control, she realised. Dominance. Her effect on him scared him. Made him feel out of control. And he wanted it back.

Yet how many times had she felt that way? Vulnerable, desperate to regain command of her life after the attack.

With no hesitation she reached up, cupped his gorgeous face, brought his mouth down to hers and kissed and begged and pleaded, told him exactly what she wanted him to do, using every uncouth word she could think of, until his eyes sparked electric blue and the arms that braced either side of her were shaking. And then—thank you, God—he thrust inside her in one powerful lunge, filling her huge and hard, covering her body with his, his possession so total she ceased breathing.

‘Bliss. Sheer...bliss.’

Her lashes fluttered downward as his solid flesh pulsed inside her, making her feel exquisitely stretched. He felt shockingly good.

Pausing, perhaps as stunned as she was, he held still, his lips against the throbbing vein in her neck where he inhaled deeply.

A sharp arrow of unease burst through the rapture. ‘Finn...?’

‘Shhh, baby. I’m listening to your heartbeat, deep and hard and true. I’m soaking in your scent, rich with your arousal for me. Knowing...’

‘Knowing?’ she whispered.

‘This is the closest I’ll ever get to heaven.’

Oh. Her heart filled to bursting for him.

Serena sank her fingers into his damp hair and held him tightly to her. All the while fighting a punch of panic. This shouldn’t be so intimate.

A chord of vulnerability sang to her heart and she squeezed her eyes shut. She didn’t understand any of this. Not her body’s reaction to him nor the emotions swirling inside her.

Finn finally raised his head and began to move tentatively. ‘Look at me,’ he ordered.

Serena opened her eyes to see him braced above her, his expression dark and fierce, so intense she trembled beneath him. Then, with their gazes locked, he began to move faster, pumping long and deep and hard, sweeping her up in a vortex of sensation so strong, so powerful, she cried out once more.

Finn captured her mouth with his—his tongue a tormenting lash of pleasure—and sank one of his hands under her bottom, lifting her, the better to meet his powerful thrusts, and grinding against her.

‘Oh, yessss,’ she moaned, raising her legs and wrapping them around his lean hips. Her head tossed back and forth on the comforter as she fought to hold back the waves that threatened to crash over her. Almost sobbing with the fierceness of her need.

‘Look at me,’ he ordered again, louder this time. Heightening the sharpness of her desire. As if he didn’t want her to forget who was inside her, dominating her, loving her body with his.

As if Serena could ever forget. Impossible.

She hastened to focus on his flushed face, where a thin sheen of sweat glistened on his forehead. His breath was hot and fast on her cheek; his erection throbbed inside her...then he suddenly crashed to a halt.

After a quick pause, in which he possessively gripped her waist, he pulled back. ‘I want you with me when I fall. I don’t want to be alone. Come with me.’

She tried, she really tried to push a yes past her lips, but at that moment he pushed so deep inside her that she felt him in every cell of her body and nothing came out but a high-pitched moan as she surrendered, let herself be dragged towards a climax the likes of which she’d never known.

‘Finn...’ she said brokenly, panicked that she wouldn’t survive—that she’d die from pleasure, break after having him and losing him, shatter beneath his searing intensity.

‘I know...I know.’ He smoothed her damp hair back from her face. ‘I’m here, baby, right here. Not going anywhere.’

She began to ride the shuddering crest. All-powerful, potent, almost violent as it ripped its way through her.

‘That’s it. Come for me.’ He caught her small frantic cries with his mouth, tangled his tongue with hers as he upped the pace and pushed her higher than ever before.


Climax was a blinding white-hot rush and she broke from his mouth as convulsions racked her body, making her spine arch violently.

Finn gave a final lunge, his dark-as-midnight eyes locked on hers, and at that moment she’d swear he touched her soul.
