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“It’s bad luck!” Laura repeated, exasperated.

“Oh, I don’t believe in that. Did you bring coffee?” Kate asked, and Emile nodded. “You’re amazing. Is everything okay over there?”

“Everything is fine.” Of course, the coffee had come from their cafe. After Emile had returned to Miller Springs — much to the joy of the cafe regulars, who were pleased to see Kate happy — they had both thrown all of their energy into building the business so that when the babies arrived, they would both be able to take a step back.

Of course, even with more staff helping to run the place, Kate found it hard to let go on her days off; the cafe had been her sole focus over the last few years and it was understandable that she cared about it as much as she cared about their growing family, so they often popped by to check on things even when they weren’t scheduled to work.

“Even with Mia?”

“Especially with Mia. She’s doing great, don’t worry.”

Mia was their latest recruit, another teenage runaway who had been referred to Kate when she’d arrived in town. True to the tradition that Edna had started, Kate had offered her a job and a place to stay; the apartment above the cafe had been temporarily empty now that Emile and Kate had moved into a bigger house to make space for the babies. Mia had been a little sullen at first but it hadn’t taken long for her to warm up to the pair of them, especially once they’d shared their own stories of family estrangement, and she’d taken to her job at the cafe admirably.

“Stop fussing,” Laura interjected. “We need to get you ready. There’s not long left now!”

“She already looks perfect to me,” Emile said, giving Kate a wink.

“Oh, stop it. You can do all that lovey-dovey stuff on the honeymoon. Time’s ticking!” Laura started flapping her hands at Emile, gesturing for him to leave.

“I just need to grab my suit. Give me five minutes and I’ll be out of your hair,” Emile laughed, handing Elijah back to Laura, missing the comforting weight of his son immediately.

He located his suit quickly, hanging as it was in the front of the closet, clean and pressed. He’d sent it to the dry cleaners last week, remembering his laundry mishap from his first few weeks with Kate. Although he was much better at almost all household chores now, he was still a little spooked by laundry and he didn’t want to risk his wedding suit getting ruined.

Hearing the gentle snick of the door catch, he whirled around to see Kate.

“Hey,” she said softly.

“Hey,” he responded, closing the distance between them in a few strides and throwing his suit on the bed. There were very few moments of their lives which weren’t occupied by babies at the moment, and he wanted to take advantage of this one.

Kate was wearing a silky white dressing gown, a nod to the day, and Emile could easily slip his hands inside it and touch her soft skin as he kissed her, stroking her full breasts, her waist, her stomach.

He groaned as she pulled away, giving him a sly grin.

“We don’t have time for that.”

“Why? Is it bad luck?”

“No, I just don’t think Laura can juggle all three babies for very long.”

That was a fair point. It was tricky at the best of times.

“But it’s been so long since I touched you.” He backed her up against the bedroom door, gratified to see her chest hitch as she sucked in a breath.

“You mean since last night?”

“Yes. Every second that we’re not touching is pure torture.”

Kate shook her head, putting her hand on his chest and pushing gently. “It will only make our wedding night even more special.”

Their wedding night. Only a few short hours and they would be husband and wife. The book club girls were babysitting for them for a few nights so they could go on a honeymoon and he couldn’t wait to strip his new wife naked and enjoy every single second with her. His wife. The thought made his cock even harder than kissing her had just done.

“I love you.” He kissed her again, feeling her melt against him. This time, Kate was the one complaining as he pulled away, grabbing his suit and shoes.

“I love you, too. I’ll see you there?”

“I can’t believe I’m about to be a princess,” she giggled as she opened their bedroom door and headed back out to the kitchen, where they could hear chaos reigning as Laura was outnumbered by their children.

“You’ve always been a princess to me,” Emile said, dropping a quick kiss onto the top of her head.

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