Page 25 of Cyprus's Truth

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Staring at her now, I know what I knew earlier in the day. The difference between then and now is that I’ve had her. It might not make sense to others, but it does to me. Noelle is my everything, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe.

Slowly, I pull away from her sleeping body and climb to my feet. I head to the bathroom, clean up, wet a washcloth, and make my way back to Noelle. Taking a seat next to her, I wipe her stomach clean of the mess and smirk at the idea of marking her as mine. It’s a territorial thing in my head, and just thinking about it fills me with pride that she’sminein every way. She just has to come to terms with it, as I’ve already done.

I finish with the rag and toss it to the floor; I’ll pick it up later. Pulling back the covers, Noelle makes a mumbling noise. I tug them from under her, and I climb into the bed. I tuck Noelle in close to me and pull the blanket over us.

Our conversation will have to wait until morning, but considering Bride doesn’t have school thanks to it being a workday, I don’t have to get her up early. This means I can have that talk with Noelle first thing. Neither of us is getting out of this bed until I know everything. No more hiding anything.

Granted, from what I’ve found out already, I get the gist of it all. Even some I’m sure she doesn’t know. All the same, I’ve got to talk to her about it and figure out what information she does know and what she doesn’t.

Sighing, I close my eyes and hold Noelle for now. The day was a long one. It was also a damn good one too. I saw the Noelle I know start to come out, though she quickly hid her emotions. I can sense the spitfire within her. I just need to get her to fully break through that shell of hers. Granted, that spitfire is different from the others. She’s got attitude, well she used to, but it’s buried under all the demons that haunt her. Noelle has always been shy and sweet, but she used to throw that attitude at her brother and me. However, get her around a group, she’d go quiet, watchful, and she had this way of being super sweet. It made the guys around want her. Fuck, it made me want to claim her as mine, but she was too damn young, and then everything happened with Noah and I blamed her.

I squeeze my eyes shut and release a heavy breath. I need to stop thinking about the past. Noelle’s here now, and nothing will ever take her or cause me to push her away. I won’t allow it, not this time.

The first person who tries will end up with a bullet between the eyes. Meaning Hector. I look forward to the day he tries. If he were a smart man, he’d leave my woman alone and move on. However, I know what he wants her for. What they all want, and that shit ain’t happening. Not now. Not ever. The moment she can access what they want, they’ll kill her. I’ve got a gut feeling about it. That or ship her off to some trafficker and let them have her.

With all the bullshit the club’s been through with the Supreme Masters, this is something none of us want to see happen. It’s been somewhat quiet as of late, and the last thing the club experienced was what happened with Jade. Talk about some confusing shit. The mayor was one hell of a quack who needed to get his head examined.

Inwardly, I shake my head and settle, clearing my head. But first, I gotta do one more thing. There’s no way I can go to bed without checking. Without waking Noelle, I climb back out of bed, pull on some shorts, and leave the room. I check the house, making sure the alarm is set, and check the doors and windows, ensuring they’re locked. I grab my phone and find I’ve got a message from Aries. I unlock my phone and pull up the text.

Aries:Make sure house is locked. SUV drove past twice now.

Fucking hell. That was sent an hour ago.

Blowing out a breath, I shoot him a text.

Me:House is locked, alarm set, will have my phone close.

Instead of texting me back, I pinch my nose an answer when he calls.”Yeah?”

“Kevlar and Viper are watching the front of the house.” He gets right to it. “Let me in the house.”

He catches me off guard with that when I hear the soft tap at the back door.

“What the fuck, brother?” I snap quietly and stalk that way.

“Explain in a minute,” Aries says and hangs up.

I narrow my gaze as I turn the alarm off and open the door.

“Thanks, brother,” Aries steps in, and right behind him come Tracker and Blaze.

“What’s going on?” I demand.

“We won’t stay long, but can you do us a favor and get Noelle?” Tracker mutters.

I stare at my VP for the briefest moment, taking in the seriousness of the expression on his face, and nod. “Yeah, I’ll get her, but first, tell me what this is about.”

“It’s about the fact Nerd found more.”

“What?” The word came out grave and harsh.

“Better if we get her in here first, brother,” Blaze grumbles. “Stoney’s on the way as well. He’s coming in through the back along with Ranger and Coyote.”

“Fuck me, are we about to have a party?” I mutter, crossing my arms.

“Swear, Cyprus, nothing will happen to Noelle. We just need her here to confirm a few things for us,” Tracker explains.

I nod. I drop my arms, only to reach up and run a hand through my hair and take a breath. “I’ll be right back.”
