Page 35 of Cyprus's Truth

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“You wanna bet?” Raven sneers. “You’ve been around long enough. You know what the three of us are capable of. Now, let her go.”

“No,” Daisy snaps, holding her ground, keeping hold of my hair in a grip that has me wanting to scream.

“What the fuck is going on in here?”Everyone turns their attention to the new voice to find it’s Horse. Horse takes in the scene and shakes his head. “I swear, you bitches are all the fuckin’ same.”

“Horse,” Rachel calls his name calmly.

Horse ignores Rachel and moves forward. He doesn’t say a word, and neither do the women holding guns on Daisy. Stoppingright in front of us, eyes on Daisy, he curls his lip in disgust. “You know you’re fuckin’ lucky they haven’t pulled the trigger on you yet. Shows their restraint. You were at my clubhouse, you’d already have your face smashed in by one of the ol’ ladies. Now, let Noelle fuckin’ go.”

“But she’s taking what’s mine,” Daisy whines.

“The fuck you talkin’ about?” Cyprus snarls from behind Horse.

Horse steps aside, and there he is, coming toward us, eyes filled with anger and rage.

“You want to let my ol’ lady go?” Cyprus grinds out.

“But I’m supposed to be your ol’ lady,” Daisy screams and yanks my hair once more.

“I told you fuckin’ earlier to leave me the fuck alone . . .”

“Look at her eyes,” Rachel remarks, interrupting Cyprus and stepping forward. Stoney stops her from getting close, eyes narrowed, but Rachel goes on to explain. “She’s high on something. What did you take?”

“I’m not fuckin’ high, and I didn’t take anything,” Daisy protests.

“Bullshit,” Victoria spits out.

“Princess, lower your weapon,” Tracker orders calmly.

“Not until she lets Noelle go,” Victoria retorts.

“Please,” I whisper. “Lower the guns.” I swallow and close my eyes, my head hurting. “Cyprus, just tell her the truth. Tell her I’m nothing to you, and she’ll let me go.”

“Shut up, bitch.” Again, she jerks my head back. “I know you’re nothing. Cyprus would never have anything to do with a pathetic whore like you.”

Everything seems to happen at once as Daisy shoves me forward onto the floor. My ankle twists as I fall and land wrong. A gun goes off, and Daisy slumps down next to me. Something about this whole thing doesn’t sit right with me. Why didn’t any of the other women try to stop her? Glancing across the room, I notice the clubwhores all sitting, looking in a daze.

“You okay, baby?” Cyprus asks, dropping down to my side. He runs his hands through my hair gingerly. “She hurt you?”

“I’m okay,” I whisper, not looking at him at first.

“Noelle, look at me.” Gripping my chin, he forces my head up until I meet his gaze, and he looks at me assessingly.

“Something’s wrong with them,” I murmur and turn my gaze back to the other women.

“What?” he furrows and follows my line of sight. “Fuck.”

“What the hell?” Harlow snaps and moves across the room along with Ranger and Tinsley.

“Where are Lorena and Valentine?” Rachel asks, catching everyone’s attention.

Victoria curses and rushes away, yelling something incoherent, but I make out Jamie’s name.



The moment Victoria rushed out of the room, everything went electric. Especially when she screamed out something about Jamie. I didn’t know she knew there was a threat against her son, but the woman is intuitive as hell. She’s not one for letting details slip past her.
