Page 3 of Royally Owned

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He wants this as much as I do. The thought should not thrill me, but it does.

By the time we arrive at the palace gates, I’m wound as tightly as a spring. I’m out of the sedan before he can come around to open my door, desperate to escape the confines of that vehicle and the man within it.

The palace is a sprawling stone edifice with turrets and towers, surrounded by manicured gardens. Home. I paste on a smile as Ophelia and Haskell emerge from the front entrance to greet me.

I hurry into Ophelie’s open arms. She envelops me in a warm hug, her familiar floral perfume filling my heart. “Welcome, little sister,” she says, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

Haskell grins, his blue eyes twinkling. “How was your flight, Flore?”

“Uneventful, thankfully.” I return his smile, giving him a quick hug as well. “It’s wonderful to see you both. I missed this place.”

“And we missed you,” Ophelie replies. “Now, come. We have a busy week ahead, with the Midsummer’s Eve festival and ball coming up.”

I take each of their offered arms, warmth flooding me. It’s so good to be here. Adventure awaits, and with Ophelie and Haskell at my side, I know this will be a trip to remember.

“You must be Mr. Locklear,” my sister says, extending her hand to Ben. “Thank you for keeping Flore safe.”

“Pleasure’s all mine, Your Highness.” Ben inclines his head, the perfect picture of decorum. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was unaffected by what passed between us in the car. “Please, call me Ben.”

“Then you must call me Ophelia,” she replies. “And this is my husband, Haskell.”

The men shake hands while I stand to the side, observing. Ben is in his element, charming and courteous. Not at all the primal, domineering male who looked at me with lust and possession.

I wonder which side of him is real, and which is for the public eye.



After a light supper, Ophelie retires early, citing fatigue. Haskell follows soon after, leaving Flore and I alone.

An awkward silence descends. Flore sits on a settee, back ramrod straight, gaze fixed on the fire. She hasn’t looked at me since our arrival, and I’m beginning to wonder if I misread her signals in the car.

“Flore.” I keep my tone gentle. “Did I do something to offend you?”

Her head snaps up, eyes flashing. “Of course not. Why would you think that?”

“You’ve barely said two words to me since we got here.” I join her on the settee, close enough that my leg brushes hers. She sucks in a sharp breath but doesn’t pull away. “If I overstepped in the car, I apologize. I should not have been so forward.”

“You didn’t overstep.” She worries her lower lip between her teeth. “I’m the one who should apologize. I don’t know what came over me.”

“Desire is nothing to apologize for.” I reach out, cupping her cheek. She leans into my touch with a soft sigh. “I want you, and you want me. Why deny ourselves that pleasure?”

“Because you’re here as my bodyguard,” she says. “Not my lover.”

“I can be both.” I brush my thumb over her full, kiss-swollen mouth. “If you’ll let me.”

Her breath hitches, pupils dilating. “Ben, we can’t!”

“Why not?” I whisper. “No one has to know but us.”

She closes her eyes, caught between longing and duty. I can see the battle raging behind her hooded lids. When she opens them again, they gleam with quiet resolve.

“One night,” she says. “Just one. After that, things go back to the way they were.”

A fierce triumph surges in my blood. She’s mine, at least for tonight.

I crush my mouth to hers, and she opens for me with a moan.
