Page 43 of Wasted Time

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Rachel studied the building in front of us after we parked. “They seem fun and really nice.” With one last look, she faced me. “Maybe this is what we need. We don’t have many friends, Jane, at least not many we can trust.”

“That’s true.”

She wrapped her hand around my arm and smiled. “Let’s go.”

“Okay,” I agreed but didn’t feel the same enthusiasm. I wasn’t a social butterfly like Rachel, so this was overwhelming to me in a way no one seemed to understand.

Pushing open the door, I stepped out and ran my hands over the material of my dress that fit snug against my hips. I’d had no idea what to wear when I was getting ready, so I pulled a dress from my closet that I’d worn often. It was comfortable and familiar, which always helped me when I knew I’d feel a little anxious.

“You look great. Let’s go.”

I shifted my attention to Rachel who was standing at the front of the car. She looked great, but then again, she always did. Her parents weren’t much better than mine, but at least they were more supportive, or at least her mom was. Her dad was very similar to mine, which made sense, considering they were brothers. They only gave their time and attention to work and their mistresses.

We’d just cleared the doorway when I heard my name and scanned the room. Becs waved at us from a table across the room, so we glanced at each other and headed toward where she sat.

“I was starting to worry you might not come,” Becs said as soon as we reached the table.

“Sorry,” I apologized. “I was working with my mom and couldn’t get away.”

“That’s okay.” She pointed at the two seats across from her. “Sit.”

We slid into our seats, and Bree leaned forward. “Okay, before we do anything else, we need to make introductions.”

She pointed at me and then Rachel. “Everyone, this is Jane and Rachel.” Then she pointed at each girl and continued the introductions. “You both know Maddie.”

Smiling, I nodded at Maddie. “Hi, Maddie.”

“Hi, girls.” She lifted her drink to her mouth when Bree moved on.

“That’s Sydney.” She paused and looked back and forth between us. “She owns the coffee shop with Maddie.” When I nodded, she moved on. “That’s Charlie, Grace, and my sister, Harper.”

“Maggie was supposed to come, but she’s not feeling well.” Maddie sat back and smirked. “If you ask me, her symptoms sounded very baby-related.”

Charlie’s eyebrows shot up. “You think she’s pregnant?”

Maddie held up her hands, palms facing us. “I have no idea, but…”

All heads turned to look at Becs, and she laughed. “I wish I had that gossip to share, but I have no idea. Although, I really hope it’s true.”

Rachel looked back and forth between Becs and Maddie. “Who’s Maggie?”

“You haven’t met Maggie?” Maddie seemed surprised.

When we both shook our heads, Becs snapped her fingers. “Oh, that’s right. She wasn’t at the party for Blaze.”

“Why not?” Maddie asked.

Becs frowned. “Arie was sick.”

“That sucks.” Maddie shrugged. “Maybe she is actually sick and not pregnant.”

“Who’s Arie?” I asked.

Becs laughed. “Okay, here’s the quick rundown. Maggie is married to Gunner, who is the vice president of the club. They adopted twin girls almost two years ago, so that makes them…” Becs looked over my shoulder, and I could tell she was thinking. “Twelve years old, I think.”

“Gunner is my fiance’s half brother,” Maddie added.

“Oh, that’s right. You did tell us that. Now it makes sense how you know so many people from the club,” I stated.
