Page 14 of Trusting Quin

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“Come on,” Quin says, patting my ass. “Time to go home.”

“Home?” I squeak, tossing my leg from over him so he can stand.

When he’s standing, he stretches and I watch how his shirt rides up so I can see his beautiful abs on display for me. He catches me looking and smirks at me, then pulls me up until I’m flush against his body. “Yeah. Home. Do you want to stay somewhere else?”

“Without you? No.” That sounds needy as fuck, but Iamneedy. I realized after literally one night that I wanted more from this man. Him offering to share his home with me? I’m not turning that down.

His chuckle warms me and I press against him, wrapping my arms around his waist. “It’s not my permanent home. It’s a house built in the woods I use when I want to get away from work and Michael for the weekend.”

My head whips back so fast, I feel like I pull a muscle. “Michael?”

“My best friend and business partner. We’ve been living together for almost a decade now. And no, we are not a couple. Michael is not my type and I’m not his.”

“What’s your type?”

He grins at me and kisses my nose. “You are, sweet boy. Any objections to staying in the woods?”

I shake my head. “No. I want to be wherever you are.” I pause and glance up at him. “Won’t your roommate be upset you’re not there for …” I cut myself off and go in another direction. “How long will we be out in the woods?”

Quin shrugs, kissing my lips this time. “Not sure. Until you feel like you want to leave.”

I love that answer. Although he’s my Daddy, he’s still letting me decide things about my life. While my college professor wasn’t a bad Daddy, I was never allowed to make such a big decision. I liked my Daddy taking the reins so I didn’t have to make most decisions, but I want a say in big things.

“Thank you, Daddy.”

He smiles at me knowingly. “Get dressed. It’s almost an hour to get there. We can go shopping in a few days. I want you to get some rest and get comfortable first.”

“Yes, please.”

We pack up our things and clean up as best we can before we hit the road. The drive to his home is peaceful. Neither of us talk too much, content in the effortless silence we share. This is a new experience for me. I’m used to filling the empty silences with chatter about any and everything, but it doesn’t feel necessary now. I like that I can enjoy the silence like this with him. I also like the firm grip Quin keeps on my hand the whole drive.

About an hour later, Quin turns off onto a dirt road that looks as if it doesn’t belong. He stops a few feet after he turns off, presses what looks to be a garage door opener, then he continues to drive. I look at him quizzically and he smiles at me. “My alarm system. I have a sensor around the perimeter of the house and only Michael and Savage have a remote to deactivate it.”

“Who’s Savage?” He said Michael is his roommate. Is Savage another one?

“My other best friend. We all came from the States together.”

There’s nothing wrong with Canada. I love it, but I’m not sure why the three of them wanted to comehereof all places. Not many people from the States want to move north. Usually when they’re wanting to start a new life, they go overseas or to Mexico. I’m not going to complain because had he not come here, I would never have met him.

When the house comes into view, I lean forward with my mouth open. It’s beautiful. It’s all wood and glass, a large wall surrounding it that I hope is to keep out the black bears that sometimes plague these woods. The door is large and black, almost out of place, but it fits the modern ruggedness of the house. The almost floor to ceiling windows have me imagining myself sitting in front of one, reading a book or playing a guitar while watching nature pass me by, or curling up with a blanket early in the morning and watching the sun rise, Quin tucked in behind me.

After that, my mind runs away from me and I imagine Quin and I building a life in this house. Not worrying about neighbors, so we can fuck as loud as we want. We can walk around naked. He can fuck me against the glass. We could live and love and fuck and argue and grow and be … all in this beautiful house.

I shake myself, knowing how I get ahead of myself sometimes. But fuck, this is the dream. I haven’t even been inside and it feels like home. I haven’t ever had anywhere feel like home to me, even the house I grew up in. It was a mansion that had the emotional range of a morgue. Everyone living there was dead inside. But this house? It looks like it will feel like the complete opposite. Just looking at it makes me feel happy. Whole. Hopeful. At ease. It could also be the company of the man beside me, but I think it has more to do with the structure and who it belongs to.

“You like it?” Quin asks, breaking into my train of thought.

“I love it. It’s beautiful.”

Chapter Six


Afewdaysafterarriving at the woodsy hideaway, I finally start feeling like myself again. Though I know Quin wouldn’t let anything happen to me, it was tough to believe I was truly safe. Even sleeping in his arms didn’t completely erase the feelings of fear in my dreams. I know it caused him stress when I woke up trembling, but he just held me and whispered softly to me until I could calm my racing heart and stop shaking. By the fifth night, I wasn’t having nightmares and I slept through the night.

I’m feeling really good this morning, so I slide out of Quin’s arms and, after I relieve myself and brush my teeth, I pad to the kitchen, wanting to make him breakfast.

Though I hoped we would, we didn’t speak much about anything deep, especially not about our relationship, over the past few days. I have a feeling he was waiting on me to not feel so overwhelmed with what happened and what he revealed about himself, which I appreciate. Last night before bed, I resolved to tell Quin about the warehouse. Honestly, I’m disgusted with myself for waiting so long.

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