Page 33 of Trusting Quin

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“Of course, it’s fine, sweet boy. I won’t make you talk about them if you’re not ready or ever, for that matter. But if you ever want to, I’m here for you.”

“I know, Daddy.” Bringing up my family always puts me in a blah mood. I’m having dinner with Quin. I don’t want my mood to be blah. “How did you meet Savage?”

He smirks. “It’s not that interesting. I met him at a job interview.”


Quin chuckles, rubbing his hands together. “Yes, really. He needed a bodyguard and I heard about it in the circles I ran in after the Marines. I asked the right people to meet his father and I was hired to guard Savage. That’s pretty much it.”

“That’s anticlimactic,” I drawl, making Quin laugh harder.

“Sorry I can’t say we met at a shootout.”

I scowl at him and he gives me that Daddy look he’s so good at. “Sorry, Daddy,” I say.

Our food comes and we start to dig in, talking and sharing little tidbits about each other. Thankfully, Quin and I feel the same way about kids—no interest—so if this works out, we won’t have to worry about having that conversation in the future. He did say after being around Pogo for so long, he would like a dog. I must admit Pogo is a lazy sweetheart. He loves his belly and ear rubs but does not like to move around to get them. My kind of dog. We do disagree on a breed. Quin wants a Cane Corso, I want a Frenchie. Looks like we’ll have to get both if we get that serious.

Quin also tells me more about his military service. While he was in, he deployed and worked in what he called recovery. When I asked what exactly that meant, he simply said, “I promise to tell you if you ever need to know.” Not knowing what that means, but trusting him, I agree.

“So why cyber security?” I ask, spearing a piece of steak on my fork. “When you said you worked security and,” I drop my voice and lean in, “you have a gun,” I lean back and speak normally, “I thought you meant, you know, physical security.”

He smirks. “Most people do. It goes back to what I did in the Marines and what Michael and I have been up to for years. While I guarded Savage physically, I was also in charge of his home security. I kept his systems updated and made sure there were no data breaches. We only had one incident, but that wasn’t because of the system. Abel’s brother cut the power source directly and shut everything down.” I look down, feeling sad for Abel.

“Savage doesn’t like me.” I’m not sure how true that is, but I don’t want it to be. I don’t know him well enough to dislike him, but he wasn’t exactly warm and fuzzy when we met.

“He doesn’tdisklikeyou.” I give him a look and Quin sighs. “I had two boys in the time I was working for Savage. Both of them left when I told them about my work for him. So he’s a little hesitant to trust that you’ll stick around. He’s really protective of me, like I am of him. Give him some time and you’ll be part of the family too. You’re not going anywhere, Red. You’re mine.” I smile at his ownership and he gives me a wink.

It makes sense why Savage would be colder to me and warn me that he’ll basically kill me if I fuck Quin over. I have no plans of doing anything to mess up what I have with my Daddy, so all I have to do is win over his best friend. Easy peasy.Not.

We’re halfway through our meal when I start to get antsy. While blowing Quin and having him get me off with his kisses and his hard body rubbing against my dick was fan-fucking-tastic, I want more. So much more.

I slip off my shoe and rub my foot over his calf lightly, but don’t meet his eyes when I feel him staring at me. When he goes back to eating, I rub higher, moving my foot up his thigh to his groin. As soon as I put pressure on his cock, Quin looks up at me with narrowed eyes.

“Move your foot,” he warns, eyes blazing, dick straining against his pants. I put more pressure on him, rubbing my foot back and forth over his growing erection.

“What do you mean, Daddy?” I ask sweetly, smiling at him while I speed up the motions my foot, feeling his dick twitch beneath my sole.

Quin leans forward and drops his voice, which sounds tight and strained. “If I fuck you in that bathroom, I will punish you when we get home. Move your foot.”

I weigh my options. I could listen to my Daddy’s command and move my foot, waiting until we get home to ride him. Or I could continue what I’m doing. I’m horny, I prepped before we left—the surprise I have for him—and I want him.

Again, I press on his dick and he growls low in his throat. “Go to the bathroom, boy. First stall. Have your pants down and around your ankles by the time I get there.”

“Yes, Daddy,” I rush to say, giddy that I’m getting my way. I’ll think about the consequences later.

I’ve never had public sex before. I’ve thought about it and wanted to, but never found anyone I would want to do it with. Knowing I would be out with Quin and knowing how impossible it is for me to keep my hands off him, I knew I would want to try it.

Doing what he told me, I hastily pull my pants around my ankles and face away from the door so Quin can squeeze in. The stalls are very clean—thank all that is holy—and pretty roomy, but even with the extra space, it’ll be a tight fit when Quin slides in.

After what was a few minutes, but felt like hours, I hear the door open and hold my breath, hoping it’s Quin. My hope is answered when the stall opens and he squeezes inside. Quin moves me around so I’m facing the door and thrusts my hands up to keep my balance. “Don’t move and don’t come unless I tell you,” he growls in my ear while I hear the rustle of his pants being undone.

“Yes, Daddy,” I groan, wanting to rub my ass against him to get some sort of frictionsomewherewhile he’s getting ready.

Quin’s hand glides down to my hole and he growls again when he finds me wet and open for you. “You prepped?”

“Yes. Before we left.”

Pushing me flush against the door with his body, Quin grinds his dick on my ass and bites the side of my neck. I moan but hold myself still while his hands move all over me. “You’ve been bad, Red. You know that?”
