Page 39 of Trusting Quin

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It takes Red about twenty minutes to fall asleep and I wait another fifteen to make sure he’s really out. When he starts his cute snores, I slide him off my chest and tiptoe to the hall, phone in hand. I don’t want to go too far from the room in case he has a nightmare or calls out to me.

Shutting the door softly behind me, I pull out my phone and call Jared. When he answers, he immediately says, “We had no idea that was going to be leaked.”

“I’m fucking sure,” I snarl in a low voice. “Why weren’t we told? You knew I know the person that gave the tip. What the fuck did you think would happen when they found out? They could be in fucking danger and your fucking department didn’t give enough of a fuck to inform me before all of fucking Canada found out.” I’m speaking in a tone slightly above a whisper, but I’m sure he hears the venom in it.

Over the years, Jared has kept us abreast of any bullshit under the guise of us wanting to know in case we ran into a criminal while we were working security. The truth is, we needed a contact on the inside to make sure no one got wind of Savage being alive. So far, so good.

This is different. Michael gave him direct information, so he should have called him at the least, not Michael finding out because he was scrolling the shitty cable channels we have in the office. He should have given him a heads up. What if I wasn’t who I was? What if I couldn’t protect Red? What if they knew who he was, where he was,andthat he was the one who gave the warehouse’s location to the RCMP? He could have been targeted, kidnapped, murdered, or all three. If I were a regular guy, Red would probably be a marked man.

Thankfully, I’m not a regular guy.

Jared exhales in frustration. “I didn’t find out until it was on the news myself. I called Lorry and he said he planned to call you in the next few days, when they had them apprehended. Malcolm, you have to believe I would have called you. We’ve been working together for years. I want to keep that working relationship going.”

I don’t really care about working with him or not. I care about what he can tell me about the men that I need to eliminate. “What can you tell me about them?”

“Not much. They’re like fucking ghosts. The most we know is that the names given to us aren’t aliases. No one knows where they’re from or if they have family. A paper trail shows they haven’t used any credit cards or taken money from their bank accounts since the day before the raid. So they’re in the wind. Tell your contact that we’re doing all we can to find them. We’ll have them soon. In the meantime, do you want us to have a few officers sit on your contact, make sure they’re not a target?”

Stupid fucking question. No one can protect Red as well as I can. “Nah. We got it. Call me if you get another update.” Hanging up, I take a deep breath and blow it out roughly, then shake myself, not wanting to bring any tension back into the room with Red. When I have my anger under control, I slowly open the door, slide in and shut it softly.

Turning around, I find Red sitting up in bed, looking at me with the blanket wrapped around his shoulders. “Everything okay?” he asks in a small voice.

“Fine, baby. You should be asleep.”

“You left.”

Making my way to the bed, I sit down and feel him trembling. “I’m sorry baby boy.” I pull him close and kiss his hair, soothing him with my touch. “I just made a quick phone call.”

Red crawls over me, tucking himself against me and holds me tight. “You can’t just leave me like that. I didn’t … you have to tell me if you’re leaving. Please?”

Any other time, I might have joked about his neediness or chastised him for trying to give me orders, but not right now. Not when I know he needs me. He needs to feel safe. “Okay, baby. I’m sorry. I won’t leave your side. I promise.”

“Thank you, Daddy,” Red whispers and my heart clenches. Fuck, I can’t have my boy sounded so fearful and defeated. Not when I’m here and he can always count on me to keep him safe.

“What can I do for you, Red? What do you need right now? I’ll do whatever you need me to do.”

“I … well … it’s stupid,” he says haltingly.

Kissing his temple, I squeeze him to me briefly and Red lets out a small squeak. “Tell me, mouse.” He huffs at the nickname and I pull back, smiling at me.

He returns it, though it’s shaky. “Can you make love to me? I know you don’t feel it, but can you pretend? Please? I need to feel something besides numb and afraid.”

Oh my sweet, brave boy. If only he knew.

I’ve known since the first moment I met Red that I could easily fall for him. Getting to know him, talking to him, touching him, being with him, only made the pull to him stronger and falling for him was effortless. Seeing my bright, cheeky, affectionate, loving boy like this is killing me.

Bringing my mouth to his, I kiss him slowly. The way Red clings to me speaks volumes. He needs this and I can give him what he wants.

I won’t have to pretend.

Flipping our positions, I lay him down on the bed, covering him with my body, not breaking the kiss. Red thrusts his hands into my hair, grabbing my locs and massaging my scalp. I only break the kiss long enough to take the rest of his clothes off and grab the lube and condom from my night stand drawer. When Red sees the condom, he shakes his head and takes it from me. We’ve both been tested over the past few weeks but haven’t talked about going bare. It wasn’t some forgone conclusion that it would lead there anytime soon, so I didn’t bring it up until Red was comfortable.

“You sure?” I ask. He’s not quite himself right now, so I need to know this is really what he wants.

“Yes, Daddy. Claim me. Make me yours.”

Red has always been mine, but if this is what he needs from me I’m more than happy to oblige.

I prep him as thoroughly and as quickly as I can without risking hurting him. Red writhes under me beautifully, keeping eye contact as I stretch him and stroke along his prostate lightly. Two, then three fingers enter him and open him up for me. I take Red’s mouth in a soft kiss, hoping to convey as much of my feelings into it as I can.
