Page 51 of Trusting Quin

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Sighing, I nod again and lay my head back on Quin’s chest, his heartbeat in my ear and his soft fingers on my back lulling me into a peaceful headspace.

A few minutes later, Quin kisses my cheek and slaps me gently on the ass. “Come on, sweet boy. Let’s shower and get our day started. We have someone to find.”

“Are we getting a new room or coming back here?” Sliding to the end of the bed I stretch and look over my shoulder at him.

“New room. I want to find out where the coordinates lead. And I need to make a call. I need a drone.”

A drone? Why? I open my mouth to ask but think better of it. There are some things Quin does that I don’t understand and while I love his nerd brain, I know I won’t understand half of what he tells me. I also think too much information would overwhelm me and I’ll want to pull back on this. It’s too late, but I don’t want it to even be a thought. Like when he told me about the program that found Thomas. It wasn’t until we were in the room, ready to snatch him that he explained everything to me. So yeah, I won’t ask why he needs a drone.Heknows why he needs it—that’s enough for me.

“What about our clothes from yesterday?”

“I’ll take care of them when we get back home. I don’t want to run the risk of something being found here.”

From there, we shower, make sure nothing is left behind, then head out, on the way to find the last piece of this fucked up puzzle.

Chapter Nineteen


Ittakestwodaysto get the drone, which is fine with me, but not so much with Red. He’s not antsy about going to kill Andler. He’s antsy about being so close to his parents. While we were two hours from them when we were in Vancouver, we’re only forty-five minutes away now. He mentioned it in an offhanded way, but I think it bothers him to be this close. I don’t know if it’s because he wants to talk to them and doesn’t know how or because he still harbors resentment for how they treated him and his brother.

“Wanna talk about it?” I ask, breaking the silence and the uncomfortable blanket of discontent that’s resting over my boy.

“Not right now. Maybe later.”

“Whenever you want,” I tell him, meaning it.

“Can I ask you something?” Red asks me, laying his head down on my lap.


“Why was Savage surprised when I said I would give you time to hang out with them? It’s not like I own you, ya know? I love spending time with you, but you had a life before me.”

Smiling down at him, I trace his handsome face with the tip of my finger. “Remember I told you I had two boys before you?” Red’s face drops into a scowl, but he nods. I chuckle and bend to kiss his temple. “You’re the one for me, Red. You don’t need to be jealous of those guys.” He rolls his eyes and nods. “No eye rolling,” I warn him. “Anyway, they would give me shit about being with Savage, even though it was my job and I didn’t have a choice. They also wanted me to move from the pool house I shared with Michael. They wanted all of my attention, to the detriment of the relationship with my family. So, I guess hearing you say the opposite surprised him.”

“That makes sense. And I was thinking about your place with Michael. Is he lonely there by himself? We’ve been at the other house for so long. Maybe it’s time we go back. To make him feel … I don’t know … like you’re not changing because of me?”

Red chuckles when I pull him up quickly, then groans into my mouth when I give him a long, wet kiss that’s all tongue and passion. When I pull my lips from his, his eyes are dazed and he has a smile on his lips. “What was that for? Not that I mind, but fuck, Quin. You’re going to make me want your dick and we have to leave soon.”

“Just being you, baby boy. Yeah, I think we should go back too. I miss my real bed.”

Red snickers and kisses me gently. He climbs off my lap and pulls me to my feet. “Come on, Daddy. We gotta go. I’m ready to get this behind me and go home. You’re right. The bed at your house with Michael feels much better.”

The plan for today is simple: Find Andler and kill him. Taking Thomas out was easy, so I don’t foresee anything going wrong with this one. Since he has a hideaway in the woods, I can be as loud as I want, just as I was with Thomas.

The drone I had delivered to a drop spot is one I have experience with, so it doesn’t take long for me to get it out of the box and into the air for a test run. When I’m happy with it, I load it back up and we hop in the car, heading to the destination the coordinates indicated. Red is bouncing his leg frantically and squeezing my hand for dear life.

I told Red when we got within half a mile of the cabin, we would walk the rest of the way when we knew for sure Andler was there. The temperature dropped overnight and we had to buy winter coats before we came out. I don’t want my boy cold while we’re getting rid of the last of his demons.

Turning to him after I put the car in park, I zip his coat up all the way and he smiles shakily at me. “Thanks, Daddy.” He looks down, but I see something in his eyes before he does.

“What is it, Red?”

He chuckles and looks back at me. “You read me so well, Quin.” Sighing, Red leans back in the passenger seat and fiddles with the zipper of his new puffy coat. “You think you could maybe … not bring your gun?” He looks up at me with wide eyes and grabs my hand. “It’s just so loud. Andso much blood. I didn’t know a knee could bleed so much. Don’t shoot him. Just, I don’t know. Do something else.”

Shrugging, I bring his hand to my mouth and kiss it. “There are more ways to kill a man than shooting him, brave boy. How about this? I promise not to use it on him since you don’t like the sound. But if it comes down to it and I have to, I will. You never know, we might need it.” I let Red think it over. I see the wheels turning in his head while his eyes are trained on where my gun is, even though he can’t see it.

Sighing, he asks, “You won’t shoot him?”
