Page 6 of Trusting Quin

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I settle on the back of his thighs without putting my full weight on him, put lotion in my palms and start to massage it into him. I can feel the heat coming off his skin and my dick takes notice too. It’s been so long since I’ve had a boy whose ass I can paddle when he’s being brat. Red wasn’t as bratty as I’m used to, but he earned his spanking and I’m glad I can soothe him after. I love aftercare, making sure my boy is feeling good after a scene.

“That feels good, Daddy. Thank you,” Red mutters, eyes closed and face relaxed. I put more lotion on my hands and move my hands higher, massaging his back and shoulders, feeling him relax under me. Red’s breathing deepens and I smile when I realize he’s asleep.

Hopping off the bed, I dispose of the condom, then slide back into bed with Red. I pull him to my chest and hold him until I drift off to sleep, feeling happy and sated.

Chapter Three

Red- Two Weeks Later

Stillnofuckingjob.No call backs after applying for literally every job that I’m qualified for and some I’m not. It fucking sucks. I didn’t think it would be so hard to get another job, especially with most of the listings saying they’re hiring urgently. Maybe they meant they’d hire anyone urgently that didn’t include me.

Tossing my tablet on the couch beside me, I lean my head back on the sofa and sigh dramatically. Fuck, I really shouldn’t have lost my temper at Gary’s. That’s a constant thought that runs through my mind. My rent is due in a few days and I have less than half of what I need. Malcolm left me a very generous tip—along with his business card—but I had to use it for my electric bill, groceries, internet, and water bill. They were coming up due faster than my rent and I figured I would have a job by now and could talk my landlord into waiting until I got my first check to pay the rent.

But with rent due soon, I have no choice but to call Cara. If I keep calling her, she’ll ask to put me on the payroll. It wouldn’t be a problem if I didn’t have my whole thing with people’s eyes.

Malcolm has gorgeous eyes. He has gorgeous everything, especially his dick. I’ve never had a dick that big inside me, but he was so gentle when he slide home. I felt it the next day, for sure, but while he was inside me, it wasn’t painful at all. Like I told him, he was intense. No matter what angle he fucked me, it was almost too much. He made me feel safe, protected, hot, aroused, stuffed full and wanton all at the same time. It was way too much. Way more than I’m used to, making me say “yellow” before I passed out from sensation overload.

Every day for the past two weeks, I’ve looked at his card and the little note he scrawled on the back.Call me if you’re ever in Trois-Rivieres.

Sighing, I tuck the card into my wallet. There’s no way I’ll be going to Quebec. I can barely pay my rent, so I won’t be able to afford traveling to another province. I’m not sure why I kept the card, since there’s no need to hold on to it. I’ll never see my Daddy again.

I groan at that thought. Malcolm was the perfect Daddy. Everything from his commanding voice to his teasing to how he spanked and fucked me. Then how good he was to me after we came. Fuck, I’ve never had anyone treat me so gently, but not like I was fragile. He treated me like … he knew I needed someone to take care of me. Was I obvious or was it so deeply ingrained in him as a Daddy that he could tell?

“Ugh,” I say aloud, disgusted by how I’m pining over a client. I immediately discount that thought. He was more than a client. He was … more. He’ll always be the Daddy that got away.

Stupid thought, since I never really had him, but it’s how I feel. If I had a way to have him keep me, I would have done it in a heartbeat. But we both knew what it was. When we woke the next morning, we had a slow and lazy fuck, then I was showered and out the door. He was nothing but nice to me the whole while, but I don’t think he felt the same things I did. His beautiful, kind eyes held the same distance they did when we met the night before and he spoke to me with a hint of detachment, which shouldn’t have hurt, but it did. I was hoping he was as gone as I was.

Blowing out a frustrated breath, I move to the kitchen, cooking up some dinner while I put off calling Cara. After I went by her studio to give her the fifteen percent from my date, she asked if I wanted her to set me up on another date, but I declined. I really thought I would have a job by now. Even though I got fired a few times, I would always land on my feet, finding another job in a matter of days.

Maybe this is a sign that I need to get control of my temper. It’s not like I really snapped or anything, but I did almost deck that guy for bumping into my chest with his. That would be classified as self-defense, right? Not important right now, obviously, but I wasn’t completely in the wrong there. But my other jobs where I cursed my bosses out for taking a certain tone with me was avoidable. I could have pulled them to the side and let them know I didn’t appreciate being spoken to like a child. You know, spoken to them like an adult.

Now I’m sitting here, eating ramen because I can’t afford groceries. When I moved to Ontario from British Columbia for university, I didn’t think I would be struggling like this. I figured with a degree, a lot of doors would open for me and I wouldn’t have to search high and low for a job.

I guess being a music major doesn’t rake in the dough like I thought it would. With a minor in business management, I figured that would at least qualify me for a job as, you know … a manager somewhere. Guess that’s not how it works.

Swallowing my pride, I scoop up my phone and call Cara. “Hey, puddin’!” she croons in my ear and I smile. It’s the first time I’ve smiled in days and it makes my cheeks feel stretched and tight. “No job, huh?”

“Nope, nothing. Not even the gas station up the street. My rent is due in four days.”

“Need a date tonight?”

“Yeah,” I say with a sigh. It’s not that I have anything against sex work. That’s not why I feel so defeated. It’s the fact that I keep fucking up my jobs and have to turn to Cara to bail me out when I do it to myself.

“I have one left for an event tonight.”

“I’ll take it,” I reply hastily.

“Hold on. I’m still waiting on his photo.” I’m not sure what Jax did or how he did it, but all the pictures that come to Cara are secure and can’t be accessed by anyone but him and Cara after she has it transferred there.

Rushing on, I say, “Don’t need it. I’ll take it. It’s mine. I need the money.”

Cara is silent for a beat, then says, “Okay, Red. It’s yours. I’ll send the information over when he gives me his instructions for the night.”

“Thanks, babe!” I blow her a kiss through the phone and hang up. Time to get showered and ready for my date. I can check what the date needs when I’m done showering and shaving.

The text comes through asking that I wear a simple suit with a red tie, which isn’t a problem since a job I had as a personal assistant required me to wear suits all the time, even when everyone else was dressed down. One of the reasons I cursed that boss out. He had me in a full suit during a team building exercise outside in twenty-three degree weather. Everyone else, including him, had on shorts and tank tops. My dumb ass had to wear a suit because he liked the control. Fucking fucker.

Suit, check. Red tie, check. Hair combed and gelled back, ugh, but check. Before leaving, I assess myself in the mirror and I look … passable. With the gel, my light blond hair looks darker and makes me look like one of those corporate types. The red tie doesn’t really bring out my green eyes—in fact, it makes me think of Christmas, but in a really unflattering way. The bags under my eyes can’t be helped, but I don’t look terrible because of them. In short, I don’t think this client will be upset with what he sees.

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