Page 29 of Love Me Good

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Ben didn’t know how to feel about that. Did she want a physical or ‘touch ourselves while we chat’ kind of relationship with him online whilst unknowingly continuing a physical relationship with him offline? He felt weirdly jealous of himself. But Kayleigh didn’t know he was both Ben and GreenEyedKing96. He wanted to pursue things with her in person so he had to shut this down, no matter how painful the consequences could be.

GreenEyedKing96:I don’t think we should, I think I’m kind of seeing someone and it wouldn’t be right to do that with you, again.

GoodGirlKay is typing…


GoodGirlKay is typing…


GreenEyedKing96:Our friendship is too important to me, I hope I haven’t ruined anything.

GoodGirlKay is typing…


GoodGirlKay:What do you say when you lose a Nintendo game?

The knot in Ben’s chest eased and he smiled, big and wide for all to see, well, for Geralt to see. They would be okay, she was taking them back to old, familiar territory and he was beyond grateful.I do not deserve her.

GreenEyedKing96:I’ve missed these. I don’t know…

GoodGirlKay:I want a wii-match!

Ben’s laugh echoed around his room so loud that he startled Geralt who bounced into the air before landing solidly in Ben’s lap again, giving him a nibble of discontent. Ben ruffled his fur in apology, but the smile stayed on his lips. Now he had fixed things with her online, he just needed to work out how to progress with her in real life.


GoodGirlKay:Also I have some news regarding my stories…

GreenEyedKing96:Tell me all about it, Kay xx


Chapter 11

He messaged Kayleigh the next day, eager to see her again.

Ben:Any plans for your evening off?

He wondered if she would have second thoughts about getting to know him after being caught getting busy by the sheriff. Maybe she didn’t want to hang around with someone who could get her arrested in the blink of an eye like he could.

His phone vibrated and he glanced down, eager to see her reply but instead there was a message from his brother.

Matt:Are you alive?

Seeing his brother’s name immediately brought back visions of his family’s laughing faces, mocking him and his career choice. Nausea churned Ben’s stomach. Matt’s words immediately prickled his anger. He could almost hear the disdain in his brother’s words, practically envisage the bored expression on his face. He wasn’t going to reply. Not now, not ever.

Matt:I mean it, I’m worried. At least let Mom know you’re okay.

His anger increased because he realized Matt was right. He should at least let her know he was okay. But he knew if he messaged her there would just be more responses, more questions. Despite his thoughts from just moments before, he replied.


That should keep them quiet, and he knew his brother would pass the information along to their mom. Two seconds later his phone vibrated again and he picked it up, ready to block Matt’s number, but saw it was Kayleigh.

Kayleigh:I was thinking of heading to the next county and causing some trouble, might start a ruckus or maybe I’ll just stay home and read a book instead. Sometimes rebelling is exhausting.

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