Page 119 of Don't Let Me Break

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What if Hazel brought someone my age home? Even if he made her happy? Even if I could see how happy she made him? Would I be okay with it?

Shit, I don’t know.

So much for not stressing.

“It’s the house on the left,” Kate speaks up, pointing to a tan stucco house with a large Maple tree out front. The driveway looks freshly shoveled, and there’s a pine wreath on the door. It looks nice. Homey.

Pulling up next to the curb, I put the car in park and round the hood to open Kate’s door. I offer her my hand. With a smile, she takes it and guides me toward the front porch while the snow drifts down from the sky, and the sun sets in the distance.

“You ready?” she asks.

“Did you bring Wes home?” I’m not sure where the question comes from, but now it’s out there, and I want to know. I want to know if he met her parents. If they liked him. If they thought he was good for their daughter.

Kate stops walking and looks up at me. “No, why?”

“Curious whether they’d compare.” I smooth down my black coat and let out a deep breath.

“Why are you suddenly stressed? I was the mess in the car. Not you.”

“I was fine until I started thinking about Hazel and how I’d react if she brought a guy my age home.” I glance at the window. The blinds are closed, proving we’re still alone. “Wes has to sound pretty good to them compared to me.”

Tugging my hand away from my coat, she tangles our fingers together and forces me to look at her. “Even if they had met Wes, which they haven’t, they’d still be able to see there’s no comparison between you and him.”

“You sure?” I press.

“All they care about is how you treat me, Mack. And trust me.” She rises onto her tiptoes and kisses my cheek. “Once they realize you’re basically perfect, you’ll be golden.”

“Far from perfect, Kate,” I remind her.

“Maybe in general. But for me? Pretty sure you cross everything that matters off the list. Now, come on.” She shivers and tugs me toward the door again. “It’s cold out here.”

When we reach the front door, she pushes it open and calls out, “We’re here!”

I stomp my snow-covered boots on the welcome mat outside. Kate does the same as a petite Asian woman rounds the corner, followed by an older man with ashy gray hair and the build of a football player. He stretches out his hand for me to shake while Kate’s mom drags her into a hug.

“My baby!” she gushes, kissing Kate’s cheek with a loud smack.

I laugh, surprised at her show of affection, and take Kate’s father’s hand, shaking it. “Hi. Nice to meet you.”

“You too. I’m Dan, Kate’s dad.”

“And I’m Lily,” Kate’s mom interjects, finally releasing Kate so she can look at me.

“Nice to meet you,” I repeat.

“Mom. Dad,” Kate interjects. “This is Macklin, Mack. My…”

“Friend?” Lily offers.

“Boyfriend,” I correct, shaking her hand as well. “Thanks for inviting me.”

“Of course. Do you…go to school with Kate?” she asks.

The woman’s kind enough to pretend I’m not a decade older than her daughter, and I’m grateful for it. Maybe they’ll give me an honest chance instead of making assumptions.


“Actually, I’m a paramedic,” I tell her.
