Page 133 of Don't Let Me Break

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“Yeah. I’m sure.”

“Would you tell me if you weren’t?” His brows are knitted together as he grips the side of my face, and I lean into him.

My smile stretches as I nod against his hand. “Actually, I think I would tell you if I wasn’t okay. And that’s saying something.”

The worry in his eyes softens, and he runs his thumb back and forth against my cheek. “Sounds like a miracle.”

“Go,” I tell him. “Seriously, I’m okay. Sometimes I get a little dizzy, but it doesn’t mean I’m going to have a seizure. And even if I did, as long as I don’t hit my head or anything, it wouldstillbe okay.”

“You took your medicine last night?” he prods.

“Yes, Macklin, I took my medicine at 10:00 pm like I’m supposed to. I’m fine. Promise. Go.” I shove him gently, and he slips on a dark T-shirt, casting me one last look as he leaves. Once he’s gone, I steal one of his hoodies from his closet and a pair of his sweats from the dresser, loving how small and weirdly feminine they make me feel. Like I’m being swallowed by all things Mack.

Yes, please.

The scent. The soft fabric against my bare skin. They make me want to cuddle up next to the fire and never leave.

We’ll have to stop at my place before he can take me to work, but it isn’t a big deal. And even if it was, Mack would be okay with it. The realization is staggering, yet so damn comforting. In fact, it makes me want to hug him all over again.

My bare feet scuff against the hardwood as I make my way to the kitchen and look out the giant windows. It’s so beautiful here. So peaceful. Like a world of its own. One where all expectations are moot, and I can just be me.

Me and Macklin.

Sitting in a tree.


Dammit, Blakely. You’re rubbing off on me.

My eyes thin as I catch Mack in the scenery outside. Somehow, he’s managed to blend into the white, brown, and pine green seamlessly. Like he always belonged here. Out in the wild. Away from the world. Away from obligations and chaos and traffic and bills. Away from all of it.

The man looks like a lumberjack, swinging an ax into an already cut stump, making the pieces smaller and more manageable for the house. The sun glistens off the sharp blade as it slices through the air, mesmerizing me. He isn’t wearing a coat, despite the freshly fallen snow. Probably because he’s already worked up a sweat thanks to his little workout, but what do I know? His arms are on full display, showcasing his biceps, triceps, and every other muscle made to make a woman’s mouth water. Well, that and actually accomplishing hard work such as cutting wood. But still.

My mouthiswatering.

And it doesn’t matter that I already had him this morning. It doesn’t matter that I’ll probably have him again tonight and the day after. Because it’s surreal. He’s mine. All mine.

And I never want to let him go.

Forcing myself to stay in reality, I look away from the sexy mountain man outside and make breakfast. A little while later, the bacon is sizzling, and the pancakes are on the griddle when Macklin returns with some logs for the fireplace.

“Breakfast is almost ready,” I announce.

“Smells great. Let me grab another quick shower and––”


“I mean, I did chop a shit-ton of wood,” he reminds me, striding closer and inspecting the variety of food I’ve thrown together.

“Why didn’t you do it before the first shower?”

“And miss an opportunity to see you naked?” He chuckles and dips his head in for a kiss. “I think not. I’ll be back in five.”


A few minutes later, we’re both dished up and are sitting at the kitchen island, our plates in front of us. A freshly-showered Mack tells me, “I have to be on-site for the LAU game tonight. Want to catch a ride with Ash or Blake, and I’ll drive you home after?”

“You sure you won’t ditch me again and leave me in a broom closet?”
