Page 84 of The Unexpected

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I shake my head and let out a sigh. This is the problem for me. I don’t want to put myself out there if he isn’t serious about this relationship. If we’re just having fun then that’s fine, but I’m not serving him my heart on a silver platter. “No.”

“Why not?”

I purse my lips and wonder if this is breaking a confidence but I could really do with a third-party view on it. “So you know we have to keep things quiet because of his contract?”

“I heard that, yes.”

“Well, he told Amelia he’d spoken to his agent about extending his contract.”

“I see, and where does that leave you?”

I shrug, leaning back in my chair. “In limbo for even longer.”

“And he didn’t talk about this with you or Amelia first?”

I shake my head. “No, and that’s the problem I have. If he wants to be with us, surely he should have.”

“I agree, but then maybe he doesn’t know how serious you are about him, so he didn’t feel like he could, or should. I can’t imagine this arrangement is easy if you haven’t been through it before. Add in the fact it’s so secretive, and I imagine the lines blur a bit.”

“That’s what I told Amelia. She got pretty upset about it.”

“I can see that.” Ryker sits forward and leans his elbows on the edge of my desk. “Listen, I’m not going to sit here and tell you what to do because, honestly, I’m the last person to give relationship advice, but I know how long you’ve loved Amelia. I watched you go through college loving her and when she went to London you were lost. Just don’t let whatever this is with Xander fuck that up for you both.”

I frown. “You think he shouldn’t be involved?” I have to say I hate that idea.

“Not at all. I’m saying you, all three of you, need to be honest about what you want and don’t want. If this is fun for him and that’s all, that’s fine, but if you two want more, then ultimately it won’t work.”

“So, lay it on the line?”

“Yes, tell him how you feel.”

I blow out a breath, knowing he’s right. “And if he doesn’t want serious?”

“Then you should walk away before someone gets hurt.”

I had a feeling he was going to say that and it makes my chest feel heavy. I need to think and need a distraction. “What about you? What’s going on with you? We haven’t seen you here much.”

Ryker rubs the top of his head and groans. “Beau is in town and wants to have dinner.”

Beau is Ryker’s older brother and in my opinion, a total prick. He treated Ryker like shit when we were younger, always lording it over him. Now Ryker is the success he is, Beau turns up only when he needs a handout or an injection of cash for his next big money-making idea.

“Oh shit, how much does he want now?”

“Fuck knows, but I told him last time I’m not giving him any more money. He spends it like he’s a fucking playboy, flashing it at women and partying his way across the globe. Then when it all goes to shit he crawls back to me, and I’m done.”

I cock my head. “I’m sensing a but here?” I can always tell when Ryker is wavering about giving in to Beau.

“He says he’s changed, that he’s getting married, and he wants me to meet his fiancée.”

“Oh, wow. What poor girl said yes to him?”

“No clue, but I feel like I should meet her since Mom and Dad already approve. Mom talks about her non-stop.”

“What’s her name? Did you run a background check?”

“I haven’t asked and, honestly, I don’t care enough to do one. If this poor girl is with him, it’s not him I’m worried about. It would be her but I just don’t care enough to ask.”

“So then don’t go.”

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