Page 85 of The Unexpected

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“Yeah, I’ll see how I feel later. Work is slammed so I might use that as an excuse.”

I laugh as I stand and walk toward him, slapping him on the shoulder. “No rest for the wicked.”

“Well, I must be the most fucking wicked of all.”

I head to the exit, wanting to catch Amelia alone so I can speak to her and find out how she’s feeling before I speak to Xander.

I hit the call button from my car and wait for her to pick up.

“Hey, you.”

My heart does this weird jump when I hear her voice. “Hey, Tink. Where are you?”

“Just heading to the library. Why?”

“I’m going to speak to Xander and find out where his head is at after your conversation at Disney. I feel after the last few days, we need to be on the same page.”

“Okay, come see me after.”

“I will. Love you.”

“I love you too.”

I know Xander is at home, so I head there. The ride up is short and it feels weird going to his place rather than Amelia’s. We’ve hardly spent any time anywhere else but at hers since this began. I buzz him when I get to the door and he swings it open and my throat goes dry.

He’s standing in nothing but a towel, water dripping down his sculpted body in rivulets that I want to trace with my tongue. His smirk lets me know that I’m being anything but chill about my appreciation.

“Everything okay with your mom?”

He turns to head back inside and I follow him, closing the door behind me. “Yeah, all good.”

He walks into his bedroom and I follow, my mouth watering as he drops the towel and steps into a pair of shorts. I want nothing more than to tell him to leave the shorts off so I can fuck that perfect peach of an ass, but that won’t solve the thoughts going around in my head or ease the worry Amelia is carrying. “Can we talk?”

He pauses as he draws a shirt over his abs and finally senses my mood.

“Yeah, of course.”

I watch him take a seat on the bed, resting his elbows on his knees and letting his hands dangle between his spread thighs. He’d look relaxed to anyone else but I know him and I can see he’s unsure of himself. I take a second to really look at him and see a man in his prime, with clear eyes, clear skin, and a strong body. He looks tired but that could be from the late nights fucking or waiting around the hospital with me.

“So what did you need to talk about?”

I pace, my own nerves keeping me mobile before I force myself to sit beside him. I could make this flowery or I could just say it. So I plump for the second one.

“I love you.” I take his hand in mine and it’s through that I can feel the way his body tenses. “I understand if that’s sudden or too quick, but I want you to know where I stand. I love you and Amelia, and I want you both for the long haul. This isn’t a joke to me or some fling.”

I watch his big throat bob as he swallows. “It’s serious for me too.”

Not quite what I wanted to hear, but I get that some people fall faster than others. “So why did you ask Len to extend your contract? This is fucking purgatory for us, Xander. We can’t be free while it’s hanging over you. I get it’s your career and you can’t mess with that. We knew that going in, but extending it without discussing it with either of us feels like a slap in the face.”

“Len can’t find me anything else.”

“Bullshit, that man is fucking you over.” I’m not sure how you can have so much hatred for a man you’ve never met, but I do for Xander’s manager.

Xander stands abruptly. “He’s just old school, that’s all.”

“So he knows about our arrangement and doesn’t approve?”

“No, he thinks I’m with Amelia.”
