Page 97 of The Unexpected

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“Well, figure it out because Beck just spotted you.”

I swallow the lump of nerves in my throat and turn to see Beck and Amelia walking toward me hand in hand. The sight of it almost takes my legs from me. I miss them so badly I want nothing more than to fall to my knees and beg them to forgive me but now isn’t the time. Beck doesn’t even crack a smile, his armor is in place, his Dom demeanor taking up all the air in the room. Amelia offers me a small smile, and I love her for it. Fuck, I just love her and it takes everything in me not to blurt that out.


“Thank you for coming.”

“Well, this affected us too, and Amelia thought we should be here when the man partly responsible gets what’s coming to him.”

Okay, so he’s doing this for Amelia. I can live with that.

“Well, I appreciate that but the truth is, I’m solely responsible for how I treated you both.”

“Agreed. Now can we get this done? I have to be in surgery this afternoon.”

I nod. I want to say more but now isn’t the time or the place so I allow Lois to lead us back. We pass Emma, who jumps from her desk to try and stop us.

“What’s going on?”

She puffs out her chest and places her hands out. Lois marches straight up to her, her kaftan billowing, and Emma sneers. “Lois, shouldn’t you be at your little desk?”

Oh, this will be good.

“Little girl, you have two seconds to get out of my way before I use those balloons you have on your chest as a fucking pin cushion.”

Emma huffs, her cheeks going red and I suspect if her face could move she’d be pouting. “You can’t talk to me like that. I have seniority here as Len’s PA.”

“Oh, fuck off. I own this damn company. Now get your Botox-filled ass out of my way.”

Lois moves past Emma and we burst in on Len, who looks up in shock, his smarmy face transforming into a welcoming smile as he stands to greet me.

“Xander, how is my favorite movie star?”

I hear Amelia snort and glance at her with a smirk. A shared look passes between us and it bolsters me for what comes next. “You’re fired, Len.”

Hudson steps forward and thrusts papers at him which he blindly takes. “You’ve been served.”

Len’s jaw hangs open. “Is this a joke?”

“No joke. We know about the backhanders, the assaults you’ve covered up with my money, and the fact that you’ve screwed me in every fucking way possible. I’m suing you for every fucking penny you took from me, and my lawyer is leading a class action lawsuit against you for all the women you’ve abused. You’re finished.”

“You can’t do this.” He looks at Lois. “Lois, tell him.”

She smiles, and on this old broad it’s positively terrifying. “Pack your shit and get out. I’ll be calling every studio and agency I know and making sure you never work in this industry again.”

Len grinds his teeth, his face going red and then he seems to spot Beck and Amelia and it morphs into something else, something ugly.

He lunges. “This is your fault, you fucking whore, spreading your legs for them.”

Beck moves, but I’m faster and I have Len pinned to his desk face first, my rage bubbling under my skin. “Don’t you ever fucking speak to her like that. In fact, don’t fucking speak, think, or mention her name again or I’ll personally fucking end you.” He’s going blue from the grip I have on his neck and in this second I think I could actually kill this man, but I won’t destroy my life for a piece of shit like him. I let go and he coughs and slides to the floor, trying to catch his breath.

“You’d be nothing without me.”

I look down on the man I trusted with my life and realize that he’s so wrong. “For a long time, you made me think that. I thought I was only a success because of you but that isn’t the case. I’m good at what I do, the people I work with respect me, and I treat people the same way. And even if you were right and I fall on my ass, now, at least, it’s with integrity and I can look myself in the mirror and be proud of who I am.”

“You mean a fucking fag.”

I grind my teeth at the slur and turn to look at the man I love, who’s watching me with nothing but support even after everything I have done.
