Page 11 of Simeon's Beloved

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"He entered the hotel again this afternoon at forty-three and was seen following your beloved on three different occasions. He was at the top of the staircase when Hunter fell, there were too many people present, so I wasn’t able to determine if he was the one who bumped into him, but I would say it was likely." Sam paused, and Simeon spoke up.

“Was he alone?”

“No, he was seen speaking with another man at two eighteen in the coffee shop and with the same man again at the Black Dog two hours before he went to Hunter’s room.

“He was in the Black Dog when Hunter and I were there?”

“Yes, he was watching you both.”

"Damn, if I hadn't been so love-struck, I might have picked up on his malicious intent." Simeon chastised himself for not being more aware even after the incident on the stairs.

"He's your beloved. Of course, you're love-struck. It's part of our DNA, and nothing you can do about it except love him and protect him for the rest of your lives." Sam paused and then added. "He's worth every minute of whatever the two of you have to go through. Trust me, Simeon, when I say there isn't anything in this world I wouldn't give or do to keep my beloved happy and safe when I find him, and I know you feel the same."

“He is fast becoming the center and focus of my life, and it is a wonderful feeling. I will not lose him or see him hurt."

"Don't worry between the wolves and the vampires; we will figure this out," Sam assured.

“Thanks for your help.”

"No problem, I'll keep you posted."

Simeon stripped, and after washing up and making sure all the blood was off, he slipped into bed beside Hunter, pulling him in close and kissing him repeatedly. There was nothing quite like the feel of your beloved naked and in your arms. It soothed everything in his heart and mind and made this vampire swoon.

Hunter snuggled in and rested his head on Simeon’s shoulder. “I’m glad you’re here with me.” He mumbled in his sleep.

“I will always be with you.” Simeon pledged.


Hunter faded in and out of sleep for several hours, waking each time to find himself wrapped in the arms of the most amazing man in the world. Simeon came into his life at the very moment he needed him most, and he had no idea who to thank for that other than the man himself. He held him and would drift back to sleep, feeling safe and secure.

He woke again around seven in the morning and lay there thinking about the previous night. Simeon said he was in shock, and that seemed to explain why he felt so outside himself. He was starting to feel normal again, but the memory of what happened kept coming back in pictures filling his mind with horrors.

His head just wouldn't accept everything that had raged at him. It had been a storm that combined the impossible with the unbelievable. But he'd witnessed everything himself with his own eyes, and still, he kept searching for a normal and acceptable explanation for what he saw and heard.

Hunter ran the palm of his hand over Simeon's left side feeling for any evidence of injury, and there was nothing there but smooth, warm skin. He felt again, and still, nothing to indicate he had been shot. Hunter saw him get shot and watched him bleed, but it never slowed him down and never seemed to influence Simeon in the least.

Then he ran through the things that were spoken on the phone to people at the Cabot Winery and the security at the Hotel, things that didn't make sense to him. Hunter was in shock, but he was listening to every word and feeling every nuance of emotion and intent. There was so much going on beneath the surface that it boggled his mind.

Simeon promised to explain everything once they were in a safe and secure location, but then he put Hunter to bed and made another call. He didn't listen to the call. That was impossible because Simeon had gone out onto the balcony. He stood at the bedroom doorway for a few minutes, then went back to bed and waited for Simeon to join him.

He trusted Simeon and wasn't afraid of him, but he knew that the man was hiding things from him, things that he probably thought were too much for him to handle, and that bothered Hunter. He was treated as weak and unable to deal with anything difficult or upsetting for his entire life. All it did was set him up for being ignored and dismissed and never taken seriously. He would not accept such treatment from Simeon.

"I can feel your temper rising, little one. What is upsetting you?" The tone of Simeon's voice instantly made him relax as his irritation drained away. He struggled to hold onto his indignation. He needed to be treated like a competent adult.

The fact that he referred to him as 'little one' did not bother him. He actually rather liked it, but rather, it was being kept in the dark about what was happening in his own life that stirred his anger. Not knowing was driving him crazy and was probably more destructive than whatever it was that was being kept from him.

"You were shot last night; I watched it happen and saw the blood. The bullet went right through you and hit the opposite wall, and yet there is no sign that you were ever injured, not even a scratch. You didn't react to it or show pain at the time. It was as if it did not happen, but I know that it did." Hunter tried to control his emotions, but the more he talked, the more agitated he became.

"Then there are the things you've said, things I don't understand. You called Emmanuel Cabot Master, and you referred to the Hotel as pack owned and operated, and by pack, you are insinuating they are wolves. You killed that man who tried to shoot us, and yet the authorities have never been contacted. You and others have referred to me as your beloved and do it in a reverent tone of voice. What is this, Simeon? What is happening to me? Who are you really?" Hunter kept his head on Simeon's shoulder and did not look up as he finished his plea. He felt Simeon's arms tighten around him and felt his hand stroking his arm where it lay across his hard, chiseled chest.

"I will tell you everything and know that every word I speak is true. There is no fancifulness or deceit in what I am going to share with you." Hunter nodded and voiced his understanding.

“I’ll listen.” He told him.

Simeon considered for a minute just where to start with the truths that he needed to impart. Hunter had begun with the gunshots, so he decided to start there. "Guns and the like cannot hurt me unless it is a headshot; then I will die like any other being. I don't catch human diseases, and injuries heal almost immediately. I'm stronger, faster; my senses are more acute than any human." He glanced down at Hunter, who, true to his word, was listening quietly.

"I am more than just head of security, I am the Master's Second in command, and this is more than just a winery. This is the Old Mission Peninsula home of the Mission Coven. It was founded by Master Emmanuel Cabot centuries ago when he left France and moved here to start his new life and establish his Coven and his vineyards." Simeon took a breath and wondered if Hunter was following or if he had already dismissed him as a madman.
