Page 2 of Simeon's Beloved

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Hunter had circulated the ballroom connecting with buyers, meeting other vintners, and marketing people like himself. He wanted to get close to the wine up for auction, but they were warned the bottles were closely guarded. There would be an opportunity to get close to the items a few minutes before the auction was to start, but otherwise, they had to be satisfied with seeing it from across the room.

The items were secured behind the velvet rope, and there were two guards. It was simply to heighten the allure, but Hunter still loved the drama of it all, and the guards they'd hired were a visual pleasure. Especially the tall one who wore his expensively cut suit like a second skin. It fit so perfectly that it was criminal how good he looked. Tall, dark, and handsome with the perfect shadow of a beard, Hunter wished he was up for auction as well.

Hunter stood and admired the man for several minutes before tearing himself away and moving back out into the ballroom. He noticed George watching him as he took another sample of Pinot Gris and several appetizers. He felt his phone ringing, so he moved out into the lobby to answer.

"Hello." He spoke knowing that the call was from his father's office, and waited to find out what he had done wrong. George was there to spy, and he never failed to keep them informed of what he did and didn't do.

“Why are you avoiding George?” It was his father’s irritated voice and not one of his assistants, which was a surprise.

"Why is that your concern?" Hunter responded, suddenly feeling a little defiant. "I'm not responsible for George." He was abruptly cut off by his father snapping, loud and sharp, into the phone.

"You damn well are responsible because I say you are. You will make sure George has a productive experience, or you will reimburse this company for the total cost of the trip plus your wages." He was shouting the threat at him, but Hunter, for once, was not feeling it. Being away from the business and his family was exactly what he needed to get his priorities straight, and he was beginning to wonder if Rose Wines was where he wanted to stay.

"Do whatever it is you believe you need to do. George is your problem, not mine." Before more threats could be lobbed at him, Hunter closed the call. It was a bold move and probably unwise, but he’d reached the end of his rope where his father and brother were concerned.

The job at Rose Wines was fast becoming more trouble than it was worth. He’d worked since an early age, from picking grapes to assisting in the fermenting process and all the way through to bottling, but nothing was ever enough.

When he asked to be a part of development and offered some ideas, he was abruptly moved to the marketing department and forgot about it. Hunter decided then and there that he would start looking for another job, and this wine conference was the perfect place to start networking.

He was on his way back to the main ballroom when he noticed a representative from Tindale Vineyards on the balcony level. Hunter knew this man, John Stein, and he had a good grip on the happenings in the southern California wine culture. He got around and knew people; if there were openings or places of interest, he would know.

Hunter turned and headed for the grand staircase that would take him to the balcony and the group from Tindale Vineyards. Tindale was a small operation but did quite well financially, sometimes better than some larger operations.

He was just reaching the top step when something hit him from the left side, sending him off balance. Hunter tried to right himself, but the force had been too great, and to his horror, he was on his way, headfirst, down these stairs. His only thought was that he hoped he survived and didn't hurt others on his way down.


Simeon was near the top of the staircase when he noticed someone falling. Everything in him went on high alert, and he moved lightning fast, vampire fast, with not a thought or a care about who was watching. The man was coming down fast and was presently airborne. Simeon moved in and caught the man before he hit the stairs. He slammed into Simeon's chest and held on as Simeon righted himself on the stairs.

There was a round of applause, and it pulled Simeon out of the trance-like focus he'd entered. He could feel the pound of the man's heart and his hot breath where it fanned against his throat. He was in a panic. Simeon could feel it radiating off him. His fear was obvious in how he continued to clutch at Simeon, almost afraid to let go.

"You're safe; I got you." Simeon pressed his lips to the side of the man's face and spoke. Something about this man set him apart from all others, and Simeon was slowly coming to understand. He held him secure in his arms and turned to descend the stairs. People enquired about his wellness, but Simeon simply nodded and kept moving. This man was his responsibility, and he would see to it that he was properly cared for.

He wanted this man somewhere safe, secure, and out of harm's way. His instincts were telling him there was trouble, and this man had not fallen by accident. He had no proof apart from his knowledge of aerodynamics. A simple misstep or stumble would not have launched him into the air. Only an external force could achieve that.

Simeon took him to the guard's break room located behind the front desk. He wanted privacy and a chance to settle his reactions to this beautiful man he held in his arms. The air was thick with concern bordering on panic, and not all belonged to this man. Simeon usually maintained a calm focus at all times but was currently finding it hard to see anything except this man or feel anything except this man.

"Is he okay? Should I call for the doctor?" Koa, one of the wolf pack enforcers, entered the room, and Simeon gathered the man closer in his arms and looked at Koa like a threat. He knew his vampire was on full alert and that his countenance was making it clear not to come any closer. Koa was not a threat, and yet he could not back down, not while this man held onto him in fear, and his fear was so thick it was choking Simeon.

Koa raised his hands, palms outward, indicating that he was not coming closer, and gradually walked backward out of the room and closed the door. At that moment, Koa had discovered what Simeon had yet to recognize.

Simeon drew in several deep cleansing breaths and then glanced down into the face of the man he was desperately holding. The scent of cool strawberry and vanilla filled him, and the man in his arms called to him without saying a word. This was his beloved. He saved the life of his Fated beloved, the promise fulfilled.

The man's fear began to ebb, and his heart rate and breathing evened out, but he did not release Simeon or attempt to get off his lap, which was pleasing. Simeon wanted to know his name, but the words were not there yet. His beloved was calming and taking it all in. Simeon watched him closely, absorbing this miraculous moment and its meaning. He was completely blown away and, at the same time, happier than he'd ever been.

The man was so little and seemed fragile compared to Simeon's six-foot-six-inch height and two-hundred-twenty-pound frame. The little man had light brown hair cut short in a business style, slightly mussed up from his ordeal. His face was soft, as were his light brown eyes that matched his hair perfectly. His form was small and delicate, and the hands that clutched at Simeon’s suit jacket were elegant and slender. He exuded a natural grace and sophistication, and Simeon was completely in love.

They continued to stare silently into one another's eyes for several minutes before a knock came at the door, and Simeon pulled his eyes from his beloved and stared at the door. The sound brought his beautiful man back to the awareness of his situation and drew him out of the trance that had held him since his fall on the stairs.

He slowly released the grip he had on Simeon and tried to sit up, but Simeon held him without much effort. He wasn't ready to let him go. "You're safe here. Please try and relax." Simeon assured him and noticed the door open, and Koa took a tentative look inside the room.

"I brought the doctor just as a precaution." He said and stepped to the side as the doctor entered. Simeon sensed that the doctor was human and allowed him to draw closer, with Koa a few steps behind, wearing a knowing grin.

"My name is Hunter Rose. I'm here attending the wine-tasting convention. I'm representing Rose Wines from Sacramento." Hunter never took his eyes off Simeon, and it seemed the introduction was for him alone. "Thank you for catching me. I don't know how you did it, but I am so damn glad that you did."

“My name is Simeon Cortell, and it was my pleasure." Hunter gifted him with a shy smile and then turned his attention to the doctor who stepped forward, and for just an instant, Simeon gripped his beloved, still feeling the danger that had swamped him when on the staircase. His beloved had been very nearly gravely injured, and he would no risks to his well-being.

"Dr. James is here at the hotel at Henrik's request, just in case of any injuries or emergencies during the wine event," Koa explained to him, and Simeon backed off, easing his grip and allowing Hunter to turn and stand. "I thought since he's here, he might as well take a look at your. . . at the man who fell." Koa caught himself before saying beloved, which was fortunate.
