Page 3 of Simeon's Beloved

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Simeon had to stop himself from reaching out and pulling Hunter back down onto his lap. He was relieved when Hunter sat beside him on the sofa, and his delicate hand moved softly on Simeon's thigh. Hunter appeared to gain comfort from the contact just as Simeon gained a sense of calm. He looked up at Simeon with an expression that asked for indulgence and understanding, which Simeon was eager to give.

"Let the doctor check you out just to make sure that you were not injured in any way. You took a hard blow to your side, which was enough to lift you off your feet and send you down the steps." Simeon had no doubt that the accident had been due to impact and not simply a misstep. Whether it was unintentional or on purpose was unknown at the moment, but he intended to find out.

"I think it was just an accident. I bumped into someone. It wasn't as if they intended to knock me down the stairs." Hunter made light of it all, but Simeon could feel his unease at the situation. Hunter knew more than he was sharing or at least felt that it wasn't as clear-cut as he was putting forth. Their connection was already taking shape due to the heightened emotions they shared upon meeting.

"They hit you with considerable force," Simeon commented, placing his hand over Hunter's, relishing the warmth and softness. "It took a lot to send you into the air like that. You were flying, Hunter." He stopped pressing for more details when Hunter dropped his head and started staring at their hands. Simeon then felt his discomfort at having to consider the alternative to it all being just an unfortunate accident. The alternative held a darkness and uncertainty that he did not wish to entertain.

"It could have been someone rushing to one of the shops on the balcony and not paying attention to where they were going," Seamus spoke up in support, and Hunter nodded his head, obviously eager for an explanation that was not upsetting.

“It’s possible.” Simeon went along in order to close that discussion for now. He would look into it and find out how Hunter had fallen. The hotel was full of cameras watching every corner and corridor. He would discover the truth. The doctor completed a basic examination, and apart from obvious stress, his beloved was not harmed. The Doctor left the room, as did Koa, and finally, they were alone, and Simeon wished they could stay like that for a while, but it was unlikely.

"Thank you again for recognizing my dilemma and catching me before I took a deadly header down those stairs. I probably would have broken my neck." Hunter's voice was soft, barely there, and Simeon sensed his fear returning as he thought about what had nearly happened.

Simeon tilted Hunter’s face up to his, but Hunter still kept his eyes downcast. "I'm glad I was there for you. I believe Fate has plans for us both." Hunter looked at him and smiled.

"You believe in Fate?" He asked, brightening at the prospect.

“Yes, I believe in Fate, and I believe Fate brought us together." Hunter chuckled, and it was a lovely sound. Simeon was finding so many things that he liked about this tiny little man, and he knew that there would be many more as time went on.

"I was very lucky that you were there, Simeon." Hunter stood up, and Simeon stood beside him, not ready to let him leave, but he was running out of reasons for him to stay. "I should get back to the event and stop bothering you." Hunter stammered. Simeon put his arm around Hunter's shoulders and walked with him to the door.

“You are not bothering me.”

"Perhaps we can get together later for drinks," Hunter asked quickly as they left the room and stood staring at one another. Hunter was feeling the pull.

“Are you staying for the auction?” Simeon offered in hopes of keeping him talking a little longer.

"Yes, I hope to win and bring those bottles back to Sacramento. I'm working on introducing Pinot Noir, and my father would be most impressed with the aged bottles from a winery that specializes in the brand. I hope to convince him to let me continue with my research." Hunter spoke with enthusiasm, but Simeon felt a restraint when he spoke of his father.

These were all things he would learn, and if this father was a drain on his beloved's happiness, then he would be dealt with. Simeon had little tolerance for tyrants or intimidators. "Meet me at the Black Dog after the auction," Simeon stated, and Hunter nodded vigorously.

"Hopefully, I will be the owner of those two bottles of Pinot Noir next time we meet." He added.

"Good luck, sweetheart. I'll be waiting." Simeon hated to part, but he knew where to find him, and they were meeting for drinks in a couple of hours. He planned on keeping an eye on Hunter regardless and enlisting the vampire members of staff to also look out for him.

The fall down the stairs was troubling, and until he was satisfied with what was the cause, he would be watching over his sweet beloved. Hunter was too delicate, soft, and perfect for Simeon to take chances with his health and welfare. He watched as Hunter walked into the ballroom and disappeared, but not for long Simeon would follow at a distance. He stayed on the edges of the party, totally focused on his beloved, but only he knew that.

Hunter was still a little shaky from the near fall and being saved by that flawless example of virile masculine excellence. Having that man's arms around him, carrying him, was an experience he would treasure for the rest of his life. He'd sensed a vibe between them that implied more was possible, so he pushed to meet up again later.

Simeon seemed to be all for it, so Hunter hoped the evening would extend to his room or perhaps Simeon's if he had a room at the hotel. But he was getting ahead of himself. Hunter chastised himself for maybe reading more into the offer than was there.

He hadn't been on a proper date in a long time, so naturally, he was excited to be having drinks with a man who looked like Simeon Cortell. Everything about him was magnificent. His presence called for respect and deference, which was given at every turn. All he had to do was look at the man who entered the room, and the guy immediately apologized and left.

Hunter wished he had even a tiny bit of that power, but he had none. He was neither respected nor even tolerated most days. He needed to stop thinking about his life back in Sacramento and keep his mind on the goals that he had set for himself.

Hunter walked closer to the auction items, not too close but close enough to get a good feel for the quality and boost his obsessive need to own those bottles. He had ten thousand dollars available and hoped that the bids did not exceed that amount.

"Hunter, I saw you stumble on the stairs. That was a close call." George rushed up to him with fake concern.

"I was lucky there was someone there to catch me," Hunter responded flatly, taking a few steps back from the auction item he'd been studying. He didn't want George to know he was interested in the Pinot Noir.

He didn't want him to know, for it seemed that it would turn out badly anytime George knew anything about him. George had soured and destroyed enough in Hunter's life over the past few years that he made it a policy to never share anything of worth or wanting with the man.

"Don't get too excited." He sneered quietly as if imparting a delicious and hurtful secret. "He's one of the security guards here at the hotel, and I hear they play it fast and loose with the clientele." He chuckled.

Hunter looked appalled and unimpressed and was not about to start sharing his inner longings with this boor. "He literally saved my life, so I don't care how he lives or the quality of his morals. I will always hold him in high regard." He shook his head and looked away from George in disgust.

“I just didn’t want you to get your hopes up that a man like that would want anything more from you than a night or two, if that.” He laughed again. “I saw how he held you and the way you looked at him. No sense wanting something you can never have.” He didn’t laugh this time, just forced a big smile.
