Page 8 of Simeon's Beloved

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"It's how we met." Hunter teased, but he still felt a chill run down his back at the thought of how close he came to serious injury or even death.

"I'll always catch you, Hunter." He told him, and Hunter totally believed him at that moment. "You feel so good in my arms. A perfect size is what you are, Hunter, total perfection."

His words were pleasing to hear, but Hunter had never seen his size as anything positive. It had been the source of ridicule and hate for the whole of his life. His size and his sexual preference were held against him by his father and brother, not in any overt manner but were always there just below the surface as the fodder for digs and put-downs.

How they treated him, the jobs they gave him, the responsibilities that were never his, and then just the looks, the constant looks of disappointment. But when Simeon spoke of his size, it was not a joke or a put-down. His tone was appreciative. Perhaps Hunter was reading more into it than was there, but he hoped what he felt was real.

"My size has always been a sore point. It's hard being five feet four inches when my brother is six feet three inches. I tried lifts in my shoes once, but I just felt ridiculous." Simeon sat down on the bench outside the shower but did not let him go but rather gathered him close on his lap and proceeded to rain kisses over his face and shoulder.

Hunter was engulfed by Simeon's passion and excitement and couldn't help but giggle, which just added to his unmanliness. "I love you just the way you are, Hunter." He said, and it made Hunter smile, but he quickly put it away, believing it was simply a turn of phrase and not a declaration. The thought of someone like Simeon being in love with him was the stuff of fantasies and dreams, and it felt good to fantasize and to dream.

Simeon set him on his feet and adjusted the shower to a lovely soft warmth, and then helped Hunter inside. Once they were both inside and rinsed off, Simeon took the soap and began cleaning Hunter from head to toe touching every spot as he had before, but with the warm water and the soap, it seemed a million times more erotic.

Hunter had never showered with anyone before and was fast discovering that he quite enjoyed the company, especially when it was with a man like Simeon. No one would ever believe him, but then again, this wasn't something he'd ever share with anyone. This was his own paradise that, in the future, he would visit often in his daydreams.

When he'd finished, Hunter took the cloth from him and lathered it up. "My turn." He said, and Simeon relaxed and let Hunter have his way with him. The muscle, the definition, and the size were making Hunter hard all over again. As he cleaned every inch of that magnificent body, the feeling of ownership was taking him, and he didn't understand how he could feel that way for a man who was most definitely not a man to be owned by anyone and certainly not by a man like him. He was simply a distraction, and he understood that, but he was going to enjoy the hell out of this for as long as it lasted.

He held Simeon's hard cock in his hand and began to stroke. He had it too big of a temptation, and Simeon was leaning into it, so he kept going. He slowly rinsed him off, then dropped to his knees before the beauty that was this man. “Let me have you.” He said and began a slow ministration of strokes and tastes using both his mouth and his hands.

Simeon dropped his head back and rolled it from side to side while his hands gently held Hunter's head, not to control but just to touch and to guide. He sucked the head into his mouth and circled with his tongue, causing a tremor to rush through Simeon. Emboldened by the control, he took him fulling into his mouth as far as he could manage, swallowing and glorying in the size and the taste.

He continued to work his throat muscles, giving Simeon everything he had, and then started to bob forcefully when his own need began to flare. Hunter took himself in hand and started to stroke, needing the relief, and fell into a rhythm of bobs and strokes while Simeon gently thrust. It wasn't long before he felt himself reaching the edge and sped up his strokes and worked Simeon's amazing cock harder and faster.

He heard a stifled groan, and then Simeon stiffened and thrust forcefully inside, exploding, filling Hunter's mouth with his warm seed, and what he was not able to swallow dripped down his chin. The taste was amazing, and Hunter continued to take him deep and licking him clean, wanting every last drop. Hunter, too, had come at the same time, spraying his seed on his hand and the shower floor.

Simeon moved back, and Hunter let his cock slip out of his mouth, leaving him feeling strangely empty. Simeon then reached for him pulling him to his feet and kissed him hard, a kiss that sealed the act and made everything beautiful and right.

Hunter had never made love like this. It was everything he dreamed of and left him feeling fulfilled and special rather than used and abandoned. His track record had been bleak until now, and no matter what came after this, it would never compare; he knew in his heart no man would ever come close to Simeon Cortell.

They finished cleaning up, and Simeon toweled him off, wrapping him in one of the plush robes before carrying him back to the bed and lying him down. Hunter was enjoying the view since Simeon had not taken a robe but rather wrapped a towel loosely around his hips, leaving the rest of his gorgeous body bare for Hunter's eyes to feast upon. "Come lay down with me, Simeon." He urged after Simeon put in a call to room service for a snack and drinks.

"Of course, my love." He responded and joined Hunter on the bed, bundling him up in his arms as he lay his back against the pillows. "In the morning, we'll go to the vineyard. We can have breakfast here first if you wish or somewhere nice on the way." Simeon was lying out their day. It all sounded so wonderful. Hunter wasn't sure where this was all going, but he planned to enjoy it while it lasted.

Simeon handed Hunter his phone when it began to ring, but he looked at it and declined the call. "My brother, he and father have been calling all day giving me orders and . . ." He fell off, but Simeon picked it up.

“Ruining your day?”

“Ruining everything.” He didn’t want to go there again because any talk of his family led to discussing his constant dissatisfaction. There was nothing good or upbeat to talk about when the subject was the Roses and the Rose Winery.

“You don’t have to go back there.” Simeon declared as if Hunter had options.

“Where would I go?” Simeon pulled him up closer.

"You can stay here with me." That was not what Hunter was expecting, so it took him a second or two to respond.

"You hardly know me. You could come to regret an offer like that." Hunter tried to take it lightly, but part of him wanted the offer to be real and for Simeon to truly want him to stay. He'd known him for half a day, and he never wanted to be apart, but Hunter couldn't tell him that. Such a confession would sound desperate or even crazy, and he didn't want to scare Simeon off before they had a chance to explore further.

“The only thing I would regret is letting you get away.” Simeon followed that with another wonderful kiss.

“You know very little about me.” Hunter began but was cut off.

“I know that you are kind, understanding, think of others before yourself to your detriment at times, and that you can love with every ounce of your being. I also know that you are unhappy, disillusioned, ignored, and living your life to the specification of someone else. I read people. It's part of my job, my love. I knew you the moment I met you." Hunter was impressed and stared up at his lover with eyes that shined with captivated respect.

"You constantly impress me. I wish I had one ounce of your skill and confidence." Hunter reached up and touched his bottom lip, and Simeon drew the finger into his mouth and held it. "Such a sexy man."

Simeon was about to speak when there was a knock at the door, and someone announced room service. "That was fast," Simeon commented suspiciously, then slipped out of bed and headed for the door, not caring that he was wearing nothing but a towel and he looked like a million bucks. Again, Hunter wished he had an ounce of Simeon's confidence.

