Page 28 of Dying Without You

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“Before we take another step, I want to remove your blindfold.”

“Are we there?”

“Technically. However, before we enter, I want to make sure you’re okay with being here.”


Langston removed Lisa’s blindfold, and she blinked rapidly, then glanced down at a stairwell that would take them underground.

“Where are we?”

Around them, a dim light from a streetlamp cast long shadows across the sidewalk.

“Down those stairs is an underground erotic bar called The Blacklist.”

“The Blacklist?”

“Yes. Does that ring any bells?”


He chuckled. “Then I’m two for two.”

“Apparently so. Tell me more.”

“There are a few things happening at The Blacklist. A live band plays quiet jazz tunes. Most conversations are hushed. The entertainment is on stage. Behind a transparent film screen, a couple is having sex.”

Her eyes widened. “Real sex?”

His lips curved, and he moved closer to her, his voice deepening in his response. “Real. Raw. Uncut. Sex.”

“Wow. So, live porn.”

“The experience is different because the couple are not actors or professional sex workers. They’re people chosen from the crowd.”

A blend of heat and animation sailed down Lisa’s flesh. Her pussy thumped, and her nipples hardened. “I’m....” she watched him breathlessly. “Speechless.”

His smile dropped into a sexy, mysterious grin. “I’m not asking you to participate unless you want to.”

Her breath hitched even more.

“However, for now, if you’re still game, we can watch.”

Lisa nodded before she could think the decision through thoroughly.

“Are you sure?”

“I nodded, didn’t I?”

Dark boastful laughter flew from Langston’s gut. “You did.”

“Damn. I barely thought about it.”

“So pause for a moment and give it some thought. I don’t want you to regret a thing when you’re with me,mi amour.”

As Lisa’s gaze lingered on his firm lips and beautiful eyes, her body thrummed with anticipation. She already knew her answer would remain the same.

“Yes, let’s go down and have a look.”
