Page 57 of Dying Without You

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“Uh oh, don’t look now, but guess who just entered the room?” Tina said.

Chelsea moaned as her eyes connected with the person Tina spotted. “Their father, Fredrick Clark.”

“And he has that woman on his arm.”

They groaned collectively.

“Must he take her everywhere?” Tina fussed.

“Well, she is his fiancée,” Lisa said.

Chelsea rolled her eyes. “Yeah, until the next one comes along.”

The group shared a knowing glance before Lisa spoke up. “Let’s not focus on him. This is a celebration for us, and we should enjoy it.”

“You’re right.” Chelsea took a deep breath. “We won’t let him ruin this night for our men or our mother-in-law.”

“Exactly. Or I’ll have to put Fredrick in a headlock myself,” Tina added. They all raised their glasses in a toast. “To love and happiness!”

“Oh, shit.”

Tina and Lisa lowered their glasses before taking a sip, alarm on their faces as they stared at Chelsea.

“What is it?” Lisa asked.

“Destiny just came in, and she has someone with her.”

Lisa turned quickly to see Destiny dressed to the nines in a form-fitting black dress, her pixie cut sharp and laid. The man beside her was tall and muscled, his dark hair in a clipped, tailored style.

“Who’s that with her?” Tina asked, leaning in to get a closer look.

“It must be her new boyfriend.”

The group fell silent as Destiny and the mystery guy began to stroll the opposite way in the room. The man was all smiles, shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries with others, while Destiny hugged some of the ladies and spoke excitedly.

Lisa suddenly felt uneasy. The last thing she wanted was Destiny’s appearance to affect Langston.

“Do we still not know why Destiny and Langston called it quits?” Chelsea asked.

“Nope,” Tina said.

“Not at all,” Lisa added.

Chelsea took a sip of her cocktail. “Well, she’s going in the opposite direction, so that’s a good thing, right?”

Lisa’s heart was beating erratically. “I need something to calm my nerves.” She grabbed Chelsea’s drink and drained the glass.

“Be my guest,” Chelsea stated sarcastically.

“Oh, there’s your mother!” Tina exclaimed.

Lisa choked on the cocktail, and Tina and Chelsea frowned at her. Tina offered her a handkerchief, and Lisa took it and dabbed her mouth.

By the time she turned to look, Mrs. Sharpton was approaching. “Hey, baaaaaby!”

“Mom!” Lisa rose from her chair. “Hello…I didn’t know you and Dad were coming tonight.”

“Well, if you would’ve called me back, you would have known.”
