Page 6 of Dying Without You

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“What if he doesn’t want to be bothered?” She locked her teeth and frowned.

“You’ll never know if you don’t reach out. It doesn’t hurt to try, and he may need a friend right now.”

“Do you think their breakup was something she did?”

Tina shrugged. “I have no idea.”

“Not even a tiny one?”

Tina laughed. “No, not even a mustard-seed one.”

“Has Malik said anything about it?”

“Malik doesn’t know. Langston has kept whatever happened to himself.”

Lines formed from the corners of Lisa’s eyes and nose, her lips pouting, her forehead wrinkling, her brows furrowing. “That sounds serious.”

“Like I said, he would probably benefit from a friend right now. Someone who’ll listen, not judge, not even give opinions. Just someone who genuinely cared. And that person could be you.”

“I do have a lot of love to give.”

Tina laughed. “I said friendship, not love.”

Lisa’s mouth widened as she laughed. “Well, friendship and love go together.”

Tina held her hands up. “You’re right.”

“Damn right I am.”

Lisa took a deep breath and stood up, resolve filling her once again. She needed to reach out to Langston, and she didn’t want to let her fears hold her back anymore. Pulling out her phone, she scrolled through her contacts until she found Langston’s number. Taking another deep breath, she pressed the call button.

It rang once, twice, three times before Langston’s voice came on the line.


“Hey, Langston, it’s Lisa,” she said, her heart beating a mile a minute.

“Lisa...” There was a pause on the other end of the line. “Hey, how are you?”

“I’m good. How are you?”

“I can’t complain.”

“Are you busy? If so, I can reach out another time.” Lisa felt herself backtracking, the bravado she’d experienced moments before shrinking.

“I wouldn’t say busy. I’m getting something to eat.”

“Oh…yes, a man’s got to have his nutrition.”

Langston’s deep laughter sent a tornado of heated chills down Lisa’s spine. “Yes, I suppose so.”

Lisa laughed nervously. “Well, I’ll let you get back to it.”

Silence filled the line, then: “Are you sure that’s all you wanted?”

This was it, her moment to be honest and say why she’d called. But still, her anxiousness was getting the better of her.

