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I nod my head, unsurprised. “Yes, I sensed that. She’s a white witch, right?” I felt it in the amulet. She has no darkness running through her spell. It’s a simple protection spell. My question is more who she is and why she felt the need to protect my mate. What does she know?

“She’s a friend of my mother’s. They met when she met my father. She actually prophesied that their first-born would be the catalyst, the major player I guess, in a huge battle between humans and paranormals and the demons from hell.”

I’m shocked that she knows this and she seems unbothered by it. “And this doesn’t bother you.”

She giggles and it’s like the tinkle of bells in the wind. “I might be if I actually believed it! But it’s not like she’s never been wrong. She’s only human even if she is a witch.”

My stomach lurches when she laughs. She thinks this isn’t true. Maybe it’s some kind of game.

I sit back in my seat and then I lean forward and my jaw clenches. “You think this is a joke? That it’s not true?”

She shakes her head and her silky flame-red hair that’s exactly the color of her dragon slithers across her shoulders, lighting up my fingertips again with the need to touch her.

“No! I don’t think it’s a joke. I just think that maybe she’s making it out to be more than it is.”

I clench my jaw. “No. I’m afraid not, little dragon. It is exactly how bad she says it’s going to be. And I want you to understand that before I tell you that that amulet is powerful enough to block some of your feelings.”

“How come you still feel things for me?” She asks, touching it lightly, her full lips firming into a thin line. “Shouldn’t it block you as well?”

“No. I’m more powerful than your aunt. She cannot block me. I could block her. Because I’m a stronger warlock than she will ever be.”

She laughs again and shakes her head. “You are humble as well.”

“No, that’s not why I say that. I say it because I am a leading light in the witch and warlock society. I am one of the guardians of our society. I protect all witches and warlocks and the paranormal folk when they need me. I will protect you with all of my body and soul, mate. Which is why you will need to remove that amulet sooner rather than later. You cannot reach your full potential as the witch you are meant to be until that amulet is removed and ceases blocking your powers and what you’re going to do in this world.”

She gasps and her hand clenches around the amulet. It glows bright red with her emotions and my jaw clenches.

“You must trust me. I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. I will teach you to harness your dragon and witch sides to fight the demons and reach every bit of your potential. But that amulet must come off.”

“I’m not ready for that yet.”

I nod my head sharply. “You will be soon. But remember…you cannot take too long. We don’t have much time. The demons were already massing at your graduation. The amulet is powerful but not strong enough to keep out some things. It can’t stop a demon from taking you. It can stop them from harming you but that’s as far as it will go. I need to teach you how to beat them at their own game.”

I stand up and hold out my hand to her, smirking when she takes it automatically. I lift her fingers to my lips and breathe deeply, filling my lungs with my mate’s spicy-sweet scent. My lips delicately touch her fingertips, watching her green eyes go wide and hearing her breath catch in the delicate column of her throat.

“Let me take you to your room, fiery one, and we will talk more tomorrow. You need your rest. It’s been a long, tiresome day with so much news that it might be hard to process.

I lead her upstairs and to her room, gently touching her baby-soft cheek. Her long, dark lashes flutter gently, almost like the delicate movements of butterfly wings.

I lean down and my lips cling to hers gently, softly. I feel her soft moan on my lips more than hearing it. For just a moment, my hunger and arousal rise so high that I almost push that bedroom door open and stalk in after her. Hunting her, mating her. Claiming her for all time.

But I shove all that shit down and back away like she’s dangerous. She is. So damn dangerous to my heart and soul. She doesn’t even realize how she’s taken over my heart and body. All I can think about is her.

And all I can think is that she’smine.


Morning light steams through the windows where the heavy dark velvet curtains have a gap. It dapples the old-fashioned rug that blooms with large burgundy and pink flowers on a cream background.

I stretch and groan, my body feeling like it’s been fighting a war with myself.

I dreamt all night of a man standing alongside me, both of us wielding magic as a weapon against some unseen entity that terrified me. Its power struck like lightning bolts all around us, the air sizzling with heat and anger.

Whatever it is is furious. With me. With humans. It wants power over all of these entities in the worst way and it’s willing to do anything to get that power.

I jump when there’s a knock at my bedroom door before it opens slightly. “Are you awake, little dragon?”

I can’t help smiling when I hear his voice. There’s something about him that makes me happy. Calms me in the turmoil of the day, the world.
