Page 12 of Steel's Magnolia

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She flushes and hesitates and then slips her hand into my arm. I can feel that infernal zing that comes every damn time she touches me.

I lead her out and then we leave her stuff in the truck before we walk around. After an hour, I lead her back and hand her in, smirking when she blushes again.

“Don’t tell me that no man’s ever treated like the queen that you are.”

She doesn’t answer me but that lost look in her eyes tells me that they haven’t.

“Then they’re damn idiots.”

I’m no damn idiot. I know a good thing when I see it and she’s made for me.

We pull up to the barn outside of town. Harris’s dances are legendary and I can’t believe that I’m such a lucky son of a bitch to have this chance to be with the woman that holds my heart in the palm of her hand.

We stroll inside and I tip my hat to him. His wife smiles at me and I can see the curiosity in her eyes. Her husband stops her from strolling over to interrogate my nervous princess.

I pull her to the dance floor and then we join the mass of stomping cowboys and swinging dresses. Every woman here is dancing with a man who’s got a smile on his face.

Maggie glances around and then seems to relax when she realizes that nobody’s watching us. Her head slowly falls to the middle of my chest and she sighs into my shirt. I draw in a deep breath. I swear I can feel it right through the button-down I’m wearing.

I slip my hands down until I’ve got her ass cheeks in my hands and she gasps. But she doesn’t move them.

Song after song, she melts into me more and more until she’s swaying slowly, my body leading hers effortlessly.

She’s made for me. This night is magic and so is she.

One song after another until late into the night, I swing her around, her blond curls whipping around her laughing face and then pull her close until we’re both buzzing with hunger. I can see it in her darkened eyes, her blown pupils. The way she gasps every time I touch her body.

My dick is rock-hard and I can’t move away from her or everyone here is about to get quite the show.

“Will you let me take you home tonight?”

I don’t say it but she knows what I’m asking. Her head dips and she licks her lips, making my dick jerk.

“Let’s get out of here.”



What am I doing? I shouldn’t be doing this.

I’ve only been with one other man and it was a total disaster. I shouldn’t cross the line with Steel. I’m gonna regret it.

But not tonight. My body is buzzing with so much lust and desire that it feels like I’m being electrocuted from the inside out.

We fall inside the door at my little bunkhouse and his hands are on me everywhere, slipping the little cap sleeves off my shoulders and then when they fall down his lips coast up and down my throat, dipping to taste my breasts where they swell up from the top of the button-down dress.

He drags the bodice down further and my bra drops with it, leaving my full breasts bared to his heated gaze.

“So fucking beautiful.” His voice is a rough gasp that husks across my skin, making me shiver and tremble. Goosebumps dot my skin where he touches it.

“Steel,” I whine, dropping my head back to the door and grasping his shirt in my hands, tearing at it like a wild animal.

He rips it off his shoulders like he can’t stand the feel of it. Like he’s burning up just like I am.

“Need you,” he growls.

“Please,” I whimper. His hands slip underneath my skirt, tugging it up my thighs until his fingers coast along the elastic edge of my plain cotton panties. He groans like it’s silk and delicate instead of so utilitarian and plain as hell.
