Page 11 of Steel's Magnolia

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I have to make it through tonight and tomorrow with the sexy older cowboy. And if he touches me one more time I may just beg him to fuck me.

How the hell am I supposed to leave after that?



We head into town and she wanders off as soon as we hit the streets. I want to rope her ass to me so that every randy cowboy in town knows that she’s taken. But technically she isn’t. And she sure as hell doesn’t seem to want to be.

I watch her run to the little clothing store that sells all kinds of boots and turquoise jewelry. I see her inside the store and she’s excitedly chatting with the woman in the store. Her smile stretches about a mile wide when they show her to the boots.

She never sparkles that way for me. Fuck do I wish she would. I run my hand through my hair, groaning. I knew there was something special about this woman. Something that called to me. But I didn’t realize until the last time I touched her that she’s my one. The one woman meant to be mine.

That one touch set off rockets and fireworks in my soul that lit me up like the fucking Fourth of July.

I see a little piece of paper on the window and move closer to read it. Then I rip it off and head over to the store to see Maggie.

I rush through the door, waving the paper wildly. “Hey, Sassy! Let’s go to this!”

She whirls around and she’s wearing a beautiful eyelet pink dress that caresses her lush curves. She’s holding her hair up and she’s got her foot stuck out to see the tan boots on her feet.

I slam to a stop and I think my heart does too. “Holy shit!” I breathe. “You look fucking gorgeous, Sassy.”

She blushes fiery red and ducks her head, dropping her blond curls so that they fall into her face.


I stalk closer to her. “You fucking look like a dream, Sassy. Don’t get all shy now. A woman as beautiful as you should be a queen for a man that appreciates her.”

I move as close to her as I can get, lightly pushing her soft curls out of her face, staring into those dark eyes of hers. “You’re stunning and any man that doesn’t tell you that is a damn idiot.”

I let my eyes rove down her body. My dick jumps and hardens, pushing into my zipper until I can barely breathe.

“This settles it. We’re going to this barn dance because you are too beautiful to not show off.”

She jerks back. “What dance?”

“This one.”

I hold out the flyer and she groans. “You’re not serious.”

“I am.” I smile at the salesperson. “She’ll take it and she’ll wear it.”

She nods at me, smiling. “Good choice.”

I smirk down at Maggie. “I know.”

She shakes her head. “I’d rather not go to this dance.”

“Too bad.” I pull her into me and then lead her to the counter. The salesperson has already gathered her clothes up. I take them and pull out my card to pay for her outfit.

She grabs my hand, blushing and speaking out of the side of her pretty lips. “I can pay for my own clothes, Steel.”

“I want to pay for this.”

She drops her hand but I can tell she wants to argue with me. Only the other woman stops her from doing it.

I pay and hold my arm out to her, my elbow bent. “Let’s go. Your dance awaits, my queen.
