Page 2 of Steel's Magnolia

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Heather touches my hand and tries to drag me in the house to eat. Cody grabs her hand and drags her back to him, growling under his breath.

“For god’s sake, Cody! You sound like a damn dog! Settle down!” She struggles in his arms for about half a second and then settles into him, almost melting, her eyes soft and loving. “I love you, you big idiot. I just want to make sure that Steel comes in and gets some food.”

Cody grunts and drags her towards the big house. “He’ll be fine. He’s got to get cleaned up before he eats or cook will kick his ass.”

“I’ll be in in a minute. I do need to get cleaned up.” I stalk away and try to figure out why I’m so edgy tonight. I knew this was coming and I was actually looking forward to spending some time with a woman. Not for sex! No fucking way. That will be with the woman who owns me body and soul. I don’t want any woman but my woman to know what it feels like to be with me in that way.

But I miss my sisters and my mother. I sometimes think of moving back to Colorado and being closer to family. My eyes drift around the ranch, the fading golden light gilding the wood and giving the horses coming in from the fields with a cowboy driving them a hazy, dreamlike quality.

This is my home. I love this land. One of these days, I’d like to have my own ranch. But I’m not quite ready to jump into that. Not since my dad squandered our family’s heritage.

The next time I have something like that in the palm of my hand, I intend to make sure there’s no chance that it can be lost.

If it’s mine, it will stay mine. Come hell or high water. I will keep and hold onto everything that I own, no matter what.

Try and take it, asshole. I dare ya!



“Icannot even believe she’s done something this stupid,” I grumble under my breath.

“I can hear you, Magnolia.”

“I wasn’t trying to keep it quiet.” The mulish set of my lips would be enough to warn most people to watch their step. Not my mother. Not Jessica Bennet. No way! She’s a force to be reckoned with and single-minded to a fault.

If I didn’t love her as a parent, I would gladly kill her for this last stunt.

I drag my humongous suitcase to the gate where my flight is leaving from. I get in the line for the first-class passengers and grumble some more under my breath.

My mother has finally had it and growls, “If you weren’t so stubborn, you’d realize that you actually need a break and this is perfect! You’ll learn something new and get to spend time with a gorgeous man!” She preens and pats her bleach-bottle blond head. “If I was a few years younger, I’d be all over him too.”

I shudder. Poor man doesn’t know what he’s missing. At least hopefully he doesn’t.

I get to the front of the line and growl at the attendant when she asks me if I’m checking my bag.

“Does this look like it would fit overhead?” I snarl. She glares at me and I sigh, dropping my head and my shoulders. “I’m sorry. Yes, I am checking this in.” My mother flutters behind me and I roll my eyes trying to keep from saying something else snarky.

“Listen, mom. I’ve got to go. You’ve got to go.”

“Call me when you get to the Iron Horse.” She leans in to kiss my cheek and whispers in my ear, “tell me what that sexy cowboy looks like in person. If he looks as good as the pictures!”

Taking a deep breath, I turn back to the counter and then get my carry-on bag and shuffle backwards.

“I’ll see you later, Magnolia! Have fun!” I head back to the gate that I’m leaving from, thankful that I can finally get some peace and quiet.

I get my seat on the plane and sink into it, grinning. There are some perks to being a short woman. Most people hate airplane seats because they don’t have enough space.

I don’t have that problem. Leg room? Got it covered. I’ve got plenty of leg room considering that I’m only five foot one. Seat space? Yep, I can sink right into those suckers.

Another woman comes up behind me and then smiles, her red hair glowing in the bright lights. “Hey, I’m sorry but I think that’s my seat.”

“I don’t think so. I checked my ticket already. This is definitely my seat.”

I glance at my ticket again, just to make sure and then nod my head. “Yeah, this is me.”

She glances at her ticket and flushes beet red. “Oh shoot! I’m so sorry. My seat is that one on the side of you.” She points at the one where I threw my purse when I sat down.
