Page 3 of Steel's Magnolia

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“Oh.” Now it’s my turn to be embarrassed. “I shouldn’t have put my purse there.”

I move it out of the way and she sits down. She nods towards my laptop bag on my lap. “Working?”

I shake my head and grimace. “If only. No…I’m on vacation for the next ten days.”

“Where are you going?”

“A dude ranch called Iron H Ranch. I’m making a quick trip down there.

“That’s amazing. You must be so excited.”

“Honestly? I’m not. My mother got this for me and she bid on a cowboy for me. I can’t believe that she said it was fine to use a man like that. But that’s her all over.” There’s a bitter note to my voice that I wish to hell that I could hold in. Hide from the world and myself.

“I’m sorry.” Her blue eyes dim and I feel like an ass for making her feel bad.

“No, I’m sorry.” I sigh and lean my head back. “It’s not something I usually talk about but I have issues with my mother. I mean…I love her. But I grew up with her bouncing from husband to husband. She’s been married five times and engaged more times than I can count. I decided a long time ago that I don’t need a man. I don’t even want one. But she keeps trying.”

The woman smiles. “I get it.” Her eyes dim even more. “I have the same issues with my mother. She refuses to believe that I’m not willing to just be with any man to be with a man. I need to feel something for the man that I marry. If I ever marry.”

I can’t believe we’re having this conversation. I have to believe that it’s more to do with my frustration with her latest stunt than anything else since I don’t usually talk about my personal life so freely with anyone, let alone a perfect stranger.

She holds out her hand to me, smiling. “Considering the conversation we should at least know each other’s names. I’m Tallulah Carter.”

I shake her hand and smile happily, giggling a little bit. “I don’t usually talk about this kind of stuff. But I guess today has been a bit of a struggle. She just dropped me off at the airport and it was intense.” I blow out a breath, huffing my hair off my forehead.

Something clicks in my brain. “Wait. Carter? Do you have a brother or something named Carter?”

She laughs. “Yeah. He works at the Iron H. I’m on my way to spend a quick weekend down there to get some paperwork signed. Our younger sister is the mayor of wildwood and she’s selling off some of our family’s stuff. A little bit of property that our mom gave to us when our dad died. It’s kind of all tied in with each other’s properties so we all have to agree. And I need his signature.”

My mind reels. What are the odds that this woman starts a conversation with me and she’s related to the man I’ve apparently ‘bought’.

Apparently pretty good.

The pretty redhead grins. “Don’t tell me that your mother bought Steel?”

My cheeks flush and I groan, hiding my eyes behind my hands. “I am so sorry. That does appear to be the case.”

She throws her head back, her hair winging like fire around her head. “I love it!” She sobers, patting my hand. “Don’t worry about it. Steel has a great sense of humor. I’m sure that you’ll have a really great time.”

I chuckle but deep down inside of me I wonder if she’s right. This seems like such a stupid thing.

But I will not back down either. She bought him so I’m keeping him. At least for a little while.

After all, how often does a girl like me get a chance to do something like this.

Nodding, I take a deep breath. “I guess that I bought a guy. Who knew I’d ever say those words!”

Both of us giggle and put our heads together, taking a look at the brochure that my mom handed to me when she dropped me off.

“I’ve never seen this,” Tallulah says. “Looks really nice. I hope I get a chance to look around.”

“I’m sure you will.” All the sudden I’m exhausted. I put my head back and close my eyes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

Tallulah sighs and I feel her shift in her seat too. “Yeah. I hate traveling so I wasn’t in the mood for sleeping either.”

Both of us quiet and my mind drifts, finally blanking out when I can’t take it anymore and tip my head back, the world and all its worries fading away as my inner hussy busies herself seducing Steel Carter in my dreams.

And that’s for damn sure the only time I willeverseduce any man. In my damn dreams.
