Page 7 of Steel's Magnolia

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“I knew that Steel’s sister could ride but I sure was surprised when you rode that horse first. I’m surprised you didn’t get tossed too!”

“I’ve been riding since I was a little girl,” I say, shrugging. “One of my mom’s husbands was a rancher and she was married to him for a few years. He taught me how to ride and I even had my own pony. I helped with the ranch chores and everything that I could.”

My thoughts turn inward and I smile. I really liked Tex. He was a good old boy. A big teddy bear that looked like a mountain but acted like a marshmallow. He let my mom push him around like crazy. Until he just finally didn’t.

That’s when she left. Which was her usual drill so nobody was surprised. But I cried when she drove us away from the ranch. I watched out the window with Tex growing smaller and smaller, his burly shoulders bunched up and so much sadness in his hazel eyes that it made my own tears well up.

I didn’t see him for years but a year ago, he got in touch with me and I went to see him. I smile when I remember how good his big hug felt. That big guy could hug like nobody’s business!

“Don’t you be a stranger now, doll face. Come back and see me anytime.”

My eyes well up with tears. I saw him two more times but about a month ago I heard that he passed away. It hurt so bad that I fell to my knees and leaned my face into the chair cushion, bawling like a damn little baby.

I still can’t think about him without feeling that aching well of nothingness. Not like I’ve got a mother or another father to take Tex’s place. Nobody else really cares what happens to me.

A soft growl shakes me out of my thoughts and I look up to see Cody backing away a little bit. Heat sears my back and I don’t need to turn around to know that it’s Steel. It’s like I can feel all of him imprinted on me.

“I’ll just go check on Heather. I’m sure she needs help with something.” He beats feet away and my jaw drops to my chest when I see the rabid dog look on Steel’s face. His hazel eyes are hard as stone and he’s practically vibrating with some unknown emotion that has his muscles tight.

But as fast as I notice it, he smiles that charming smile of his and I shake my head. Maybe I imagined it.

“Let me show you to your bunkhouse. Since it’s a little slow right now, I’ve got you in one of the singles. You can unpack and then come on down to the ranchhouse. We’ve got lunch and then we’ll take a quick tour.”

My eyes sparkle and I can’t help but giggle. “Great! Your sister really wanted to get a look at the ranch. Sounds perfect.”

His face falls and I really want to giggle again. He looks like someone took his favorite toy.

“Great,” he grumbles. “I guess I’ll take you to your bunk now.” He leads me away and I go to grab my bags. He shakes his head and picks them up. “I’ll get those.” He points with the bags. “You can head that way. Your cabin is right down this way.”

When we reach the little cabin and he opens the door and sets the bags inside, he straightens up and grunts, his leg shifting.

He points towards a large house that’s easy to spot. “That’s the ranch house. Come on up when you’re ready. No rush though. They know you’re here so there will be food.”

He steps towards the doorway but I’m still standing there. That short-circuit happens again and I just stand there and watch him pace towards me, my body on fire with hunger. Desire curling through my belly and unwinding into my whole body until I quiver with it.

He clears his throat and I jump, eyes locked on his lips. He’s got really nice lips. Very freaking kissable.

“Thanks a lot there, Sassy. But I really need to get past you. I’ve got to do a few things before I meet y’all for lunch.”

My face turns beet-red and I groan internally.I didn’t really say that out loud, did I?

Considering the amused smile on his lean face, I sure as hell did.

I shuffle quickly out of his way and practically cling to the wall to make sure that not even one toe touches him.

Not that it does much good. When he moves past me and pauses, smiling, I know I’m done for.

I need to get the hell out of here before I do something crazy. I turn on my heel and stalk off the little bitty porch and straight into the grass alongside the cabin, darting around it.

“Hey!” Steel hollers. “Where the hell are you going?”

“Umm. I think I left something in my car.”

Like maybe my self-respect or self-control. Something like that.

Handsome, hunky cowboys don’t go after accountants that wear reading glasses and messy buns in their hair when they work.

That’s never gonna happen and I need to get my head on straight. Before I make a bigger fool of myself.
