Page 6 of Steel's Magnolia

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A soft voice asks, “Is this your brother?”

My head turns and I immediately feel like the damn sun-baked earth shifts under my dusty boots.

Sweet, soft cinnamon eyes stare at me and long blond curls that touch her ass fly around her regal head. She’s like a fairy queen. Beautiful, ethereal and yet with an air as strong and unyielding as any goddess.

My heart jumps in my chest and it feels like I can’t breathe. My tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth and I can’t manage to say one word. My usually slick as hell charm that has been known to help me get to know any woman I want fails me. I can’t figure out one damn word to say that doesn’t make me sound like a gibbering idiot.

Tally chuckles and smacks me on the back of my stiff shoulder. “Yeah, this is Steel.” She turns to me. “Steel, this is your new owner.”

At those words, all of the guys standing around the corral dissolve into loud guffaws.

Little do they know, my sister isn’t wrong. This woman bought my soul for her own use as soon as I saw her standing there, smiling slightly in the dusty Oklahoma air.

Love has been an enemy of mine for years. I don’t trust it. But right now, it’s the only thing I can think about. I love this woman. She smiled and I fell. Hard.



Six foot four and dusty as hell, covered with muscles and looking more tired than I can imagine. He yanks his hat off his head and the sprinkle of gray all through it along with silver streaks along his ears and temple catches my eye. Older and sexy as hell.

All of those thoughts run through my head so fast that it’s like a computer processor speeding through files of information. And then he holds out his hand to shake mine and as soon as we touch it’s like a zap of electricity runs through me, short-circuiting all my negative thoughts about this idea of my mom’s.

His eyes widen and the pupils dilate to dinner-plate size, making something in my body seize up and grind to a halt. I think it’s my brain because when I go to tell him ‘hi, nice to meet you’ all I manage is “Mmmph.”

His dark brows lift and the side of his firm mouth quirks up. “Nice to meet you too.”

I suck in a big gasp of air and my clit feels like it’s throbbing wildly. He understood me? Understood the mish-mash that I mumbled that was the only thing I could force out of my paralyzed vocal cords? How the hell is that possible? Nobody understands me. Nobody gets me. Not even me sometimes.

Spots dance in front of my eyes as I realize I haven’t breathed the entire time since I took that gasp of air. I whoosh out a lungful of air and Tally smirks at me like she knows exactly what I’m thinking. Lord, I hope not. I donotwant Steel’s sister to realize that I’m standing here thinking of climbing the big, dusty cowboy like a damn monkey! That would be humiliating.

Because of course he doesn’t feel the same. Nobody thinks about accountants that way. We’re boring. You have to be to do such mind-numbing work, right? That’s what every other guy has said to me when they break up with me.

But Steel doesn’t look bored. His heated gaze bores into me like a laser beam. He nods his head like he’s made some kind of decision and I hope that it’s to let me climb him like a tree!

“Back the hell up, girl!” I mutter to myself, unaware that I said it out loud until Steel moves closer, his eyes drifting over my upturned face like he can’t get enough.

“From what, Sassy?”

My eyebrows climb and I stare at him, mouth agape until he lifts a hand up and closes it gently. “Didn’t your mama tell you that you’ll eat a bug if you leave your mouth open like that, sweetheart?”

“Why did you call me Sassy?”

His smile is so soft and gentle that I feel my body heat up and then weaken. I’m seconds away from dropping to the ground at his feet. “You feel a little sweet and a little sassy. I like it. Especially the sassy,” he murmurs into my ear.

The shiver that goes through me makes me backpedal quickly. A quick flash of hurt runs through his eyes but then he grins again.

“You can run but you can’t hide,” he mutters and steps back. Tally’s wide blue eyes stare between us and she whistles. Steel turns to look at her and shakes his head quickly so that she doesn’t say what she’s thinking about saying.

I turn to look at him and my mouth thins out when shoots me a cocky grin. I think he’s having a little bit too much fun playing with me.

“Just so you know, I like to be called Maggie, not Magnolia and sure as hell not Sassy.”

He cocks his head at me and smirks. “If the shoe fits, wear it, Sassy.”

I hiss through my teeth and stalk off. I only make it a few feet when Cody comes walking up to me. His smile doesn’t make me want to knock him upside the head.
