Page 19 of Sacrilege

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I make no apologies for digging a

good fucking age gap.

Forbidden? Sign me all the way up.

Defacing religious anything with dirty motherfucking bump and grindage?

Add virgin blood… fuck yes.

That’s just the cherry on top,

PUN absolutely intended.

Listen, I will fall over with my legs in the air

for all that shit.

So, go forth and jump on Konstantin’s

forbidden cock.

And fuck him back… he likes it!

Mom, look away, you didn’t raise me like this and I ain’t mad about it.

To my daughters, if you see this… I’m proud of you. And horrified.

But more proud.

By the way, you’re fucking grounded.



A ruthless man made me.

Powerful men shrouded me.

I grew up in a gilded cage inside a cruel world bathed in blood.

Shielded by my very own warrior. My godfather.

My every breath belonged to brutal gatekeepers who guarded me like the rarest spun glass. Maksim Ivanovich Romanoff’s only daughter born from his forbidden paramour, I thought my father’s weakness for my birth mother could sway him. The way he coveted her could make him more human, more understanding.

But I never quite understood the cold, stark truth. A man like him, a man who’d been hollowed out by his own parents and formed in a cruel world, could ultimately only cherish me for one reason… my value to his empire.

Nurtured, indulged, and refined until I could prove useful, he never intended for me to be anything more than a commodity between superpowers.

An isolated life and guarded from sins of the flesh meant to preserve my worth, with my virginity up for sale to the family offering the most advantageous combination of money and power.

However, they never considered my isolation in their cage left endless time to study everything beyond the steel bars of my confinement. The more they bound me, the more I could see.

Even men motivated by money, by the threat of death are fallible. They falter.

Leaving slivers of opportunity.

They should have clipped my wings.
