Page 226 of Sacrilege

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“Really? Because it looked like you enjoy the water. Are you saying you wouldn’t be heartbroken if you lost it?” One lone brow rose, making him look devilishly sexy.

I shook my head, trying to divest myself of those types of thoughts. I needed to keep my guard up. Not let my body make decisions for me that would only end in misery.

“Not really,” I lied. Would I go to hell for lying at this school? I didn’t know and I didn’t care. I had no idea how any of this worked. Was the school like a church? It seemed like it, kind of. All I knew was I was lost when they had their Mass earlier today. Ugh! Why couldn’t my parents send to me to any other school in the area?

Archer’s jaw ticked at not getting a rise out of me, or at least that’s why I thought he was getting pissed. Who knew with him? I still had no idea why he hated me so much when he didn’t even know me.

“I really should go. Have fun swimming.” I waved my fingers at them and slipped inside the locker room. I took a deep breath, finally being away from Archer’s penetrating gaze, and finding that I was alone.

Making my way to my locker, I stripped off my swimsuit and headed to the shower with my towel draped over my shoulder. Turning the water on as hot as it could go, I stepped under the spray, only to feel a presence behind me. Swinging around, I wiped the water from my eyes, trying to catch a glimpse of anyone. Practice still had an hour left, so no one should have been in here with me. Maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me. Still, the thought made me hustle to finish my shower and get the hell out of there.

I skipped washing my hair since the chlorine hadn’t touched it, and ran my hand with my body wash over my body. One minute I was rinsing off and the next I felt a hand on my shoulder before a blinding pain burst through my skull. Reaching the spot on the back of my head, I touched it and pulled my hand around to see my hand came back bloody even with my spotted vision. I tried to turn around to see who had hit me, but before I could do anything, my vision and my world went black.

The back of my head throbbed as I tried to peel my eyes open. A soft touch to my cheek had me wondering just where the hell I was. Rapidly blinking my eyes open, I found myself on the floor of the shower with my head in the lap of… Archer?

“What are you doing here?” I croaked out, and tried to swallow the lump that formed in my throat.

“Is that how you thank someone for saving you?” He smirked, but the rest of his face was stone.

“How did you save me? What happened?” I was so confused. Why was Archer in here with me and no one else?

His arctic blue eyes locked on me. “I was standing by the locker room and heard a scream, and it wasn’t one of those I just saw a spider screams, so I came rushing in.”

It was then I remember I was naked. I tried to sit up. To cover myself in some way, but Archer held me down.

“Don’t worry, I covered you with a towel. I made everyone leave and go get help. How have you made so many enemies on your first day?”

I felt like I was in an alternate universe. Who was this Archer, and why had someone else attacked me?

His brows pulled together. “Did you get a good look at who assaulted you?”

“How do I know it wasn’t you? You’re the only one who’s been hostile to me.”

Archer hummed. “Good point, but if I wanted to hurt you, or kill you.” He shrugged like the mere mention of killing someone was inconsequential. “I would have been successful.”

“I’m sure you would have. Still, why are you here?” And why was he caressing my face before I fully woke up?

“I’m keeping you safe from the big bad wolf. What fun would it be if someone else took you out before I had my fun?”

His honesty shocked me. Archer wasn’t doing this to be nice to me, but to further his own gain, which was my demise.

“Why do you hate me?”

“That’s for me to know and you to never find out.”

Noise outside in hall caught our attention. Archer looked in the direction as we heard footsteps getting closer.

“Who did this to you?” he demanded.

“If it wasn’t you, I have no idea. I know no one at this school. Hell, I’ve never even met anyone who went here before today. Why would someone want to hurt me?”

“I don’t know, but I’ll soon find out. Tell the nurse and your coach that a noise startled you and you fell.”

“Why?” I hissed. What good would that do?

“Because I’m going to find out who did this to you, and I’ll make them pay.”

Dear God, Archer was giving me a bigger headache than I already had. One second, he hated me and the next, he seemed like he cared. I wasn’t sure which was true, and I definitely wasn’t sure I could trust him. If anyone had it out for me and wanted to hurt me, it was him. Still, I went along with what he said in an attempt to make Archer think I trusted him.

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