Page 284 of Sacrilege

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At the side of the road, we stand only feet apart in a silent stare-off as I try to interpret his meaning. Before I can come up with any conclusions, he says, “You can’t go back there. Everyone in that town blames you for their misfortunes. You’re their scapegoat, their sacrificial lamb. One they were about to slaughter tonight.”

A shiver wracks my body, and my fingers come up to touch my still throbbing cheek. I wince at the sharp bite pain, but thankfully no blood comes away on my fingers.

“It’s just a graze,” my stranger says, staring intently at my cheek. His finger brushes along the shallow cut. “It’ll bruise, however it’s nothing to worry about.” He pierces me with an intent look. “Nothing compared to what they’ll do if you stay here.”

“I have to. I have nowhere else to go.”

“Come with me.”

My brows lower as I stare at him in confusion. “Come with you where?”

He moves close enough that his heat wraps around me like a blanket, offering me warmth and protection.

“Somewhere where people will revere you for your red hair and unique eyes. Where you’ll be worshiped and treated like the queen you are.”

I shake my head, unable to wrap my head around his words. “I’m not… I have the devil in me. I’m tainted. My appearance makes men want to sin, and I bring a plague upon those anywhere I go. That’s why this town is in jeopardy. The things I am capable of are… abhorrent. I’ve killed people; maimed them, without even lifting a finger or wishing them ill intent.”

His fingers pinch my chin, holding my head still and forcing me to look him in the face as he says, “You’re beautiful, and strong beyond belief. These people tried to tear you down because they didn’t understand you, although I see you for who you are, and there’s no part of you that I’m not drawn to.”

His expression is set in a hard mask, corroborating the truth of his words and doing peculiar things to my insides. Despite the effect his words have on me, I continue to stare up at him in confusion. “I can’t go with you.”

One side of his lips quirks, as though my resistance is amusing. “Why not?”

“For starters, I don’t even know who you are. You could be a serial killer.”

His face breaks out into a broad grin, his white teeth gleaming in the darkness.

“I can promise that murdering you is the last thing on my mind right now.”

His eyes flash with wickedness. Not the kind that means me harm, but that speaks of something far more dangerous.

“I still don’t know your name,” I argue.

His eyes search mine before he says, “You can call me Don, Kali.”

“How did you know my name?” I ask, gaping at him with wide eyes.

“I told you, I’ve been listening to people talk about you.”

“You’ve been in town all week?” I question. “I haven’t seen you.”

That smile of his reappears. “Does that mean you were looking for me?”

My cheeks heat and I stutter, “N-no. After Sunday, I just thought I’d see you around.”

“I’ve been keeping a low profile.” Before I grill him on what he’s doing in Esteridge, he changes the topic. “So, what’s it going to be, little devil? Are you ready to embrace your future?”

Chewing on my bottom lip, I glance over my shoulder back toward town—the only place I’ve ever known, the only home I’ve ever had, even if it was one filled with pain and misery.

Sensing my indecision, Don grasps my hands in his to steer my attention his way. “I promise to show you a life where you are in control. One where no one will hurt you, and you can be everything you were always meant to be. I promise to give you a life of freedom.”


I stare up at him with hopeful eyes, seeing the sincerity on his face.

With cautious optimism brimming in my chest and endless possibilities replaying on a reel in my head, I nod. “You better keep your promises, Don.”

“For you, I’ll destroy the whole damn world to keep my promise.”

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