Page 349 of Sacrilege

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We both heaved heavily. I coughed, feeling my lungs burning for air. I glance at Aella and quickly give her my shirt.

“Take this,” I tell her. She takes it and covers herself before gazing at me. Her face is covered with cuts and bruises, and her eyes are swelling. But despite all the torment, a small smile crossed her lips…a soft and calming look passes her face as if, for the first time, she feels all the troubles lifting from her shoulders.

“It’s all over?” she asks.

I nod, offering her a smile before pulling her into my arms. “It’s over.”

She sighs and hugs me tighter and resting her head against my chest, finding comfort in my arms.

“What do we do now?” she questions, tilting her head back to look at me.

“We start a new journey and see where life leads us. As long as you are part of this journey, I can carry the hope of a long and beautiful life.”

“I will be a part of it…I want to be a part of it because I need you, Silas. You are my everything. I was scared I would lose you, but fate gave us a new chance. And no matter what, I will never let you go,” she murmurs.

“I won’t either, my love. You will always be my girl and I will follow you anywhere you lead me.” I kiss her forehead.

“We should keep walking,” I tell her. This time we walk at a slower pace, and walk for hours until we see a road.

We look at each other with hopeful smiles, holding our hands tightly and gesturing silently to our new beginning.

Aella and I walk along the road when we hear a car coming in our direction. I stand in the middle and wave my hand, gesturing for the car to stop. The light blue Chevrolet Cavalier halts and we both rush towards it. There is a man and woman inside, possibly married from the rings on their fingers.

The man carries a sharp and serious look, assessing me like I’m a threat to them. The woman however holds a confusing and worrisome expression, especially glancing at the bruises and scars we have on our faces.

“Can we help you?” the man asks in a cold voice.

I bring Aella closer to me, putting my arm around her shoulder. “Yes. I was thinking if you can take us to the urban side of Vailburg? We are lost,” I answer.

“You two don’t seem lost to me.” He narrows his eyes at us.

“Eryx,” the woman calls the man’s name over her shoulder in a reprimanding tone.

“Agatha, we can’t trust strangers on the road,” he states directly, not caring that we could hear him.

“Please. We just need to get to the town side of Vailburg and then we will be on our way from there,” Aella mutters, looking at Agatha, pleading to her indirectly for help.

Agatha nods as if she can understand our situation and looks at Eryx. “We should help them. It’s just a drive towards the town side.”

Eryx looks back and forth from his wife to us as if he is contemplating his decision. But he eventually agrees with a sigh. “You can sit at the back.”

“Thank you so much,” Aella says with a soft smile.

Opening the door, we get in the back seat as I pull Aella against my chest. Eryx starts the engine and drives away. The windows are rolled down, letting the gust of wind caress our faces with our hair swaying along with it. My eyes glances over the hills we pass by when the distant sight of Blackwell Prison catches my attention for a fleeting moment before it’s gone…gone forever.

“Here, you can use this,” Agatha passes Aella a shawl. She takes it with a thankful smile and wraps it over her torn clothes. I kiss her temple, wrapping my arms around her.

Our dark past is behind us. No more imprisonment and no more hiding. I don’t what we will do when we reach the town side. I don’t know what our lives will be like. But I did know it will be a beautiful and peaceful one with Aella by my side.

Our journey may have started in darkness and menace but it was worth it, as our fates brought us together making it all…a lovely menace.

