Page 49 of Sacrilege

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Red called her shot, the number six ball in the corner pocket, and lined up behind the cue. Her eyes lifted and met mine through her thick lashes, and the left side of her plump lips lifted into a smirk. She winked before she pulled back and hit the ball, giving it enough side spin to barely skirt the cushion and sink into the pocket without also sinking the cue.

I cocked a brow. Show off.

It looked like an easy shot, but anyone who played long enough knew that it took practice and skill to master.

Her opponent's eyes narrowed and his gaze darted between us. “You sure you’ve never played before?”

“I’m appalled, Hank. This is my first night here.” She clutched her throat mockingly, the lie dripping from her cherry lips with ease. “You’re just upset I’m one shot away from beating you.”

“That’s not what I asked, darlin’.” The businessman swayed on his feet before taking a step forward so his chest pressed against Red’s. “You husltin’ me, little girl?”

I drew in a short breath. She’d fucked up, played a little too well, and that long gaze at me was what did her in. He probably saw her chatting with me before and thought I was her partner. I’d run this damn scam with my eyes closed twenty years ago.

Red stood her ground. “I’m playing the same game as you. If you don’t like how I play then forfeit and cough up your dues.”

My mouth dropped open. This woman had balls.

Unease rolled through me when Hank’s fists formed at his sides. Please walk away. Don’t do what I think you’re going to do, I prayed.

Just as with the rest of my prayers, they went unanswered.

Hank’s fingers wrapped around her arms, and he shoved her down against the table.

One second I was drinking my beer watching their argument unfold, and the next, my fist was connecting with Hank’s face.

“What the fuck?” Hank spat as he stumbled back with his hand cupping his face, his words slurred. “You can’t fucking touch me.”

He straightened himself and wiped off the blood from where my knuckle split his lip.

The bar went silent, every set of eyes on us.

Damn it.

Hank looked at me, dumbfounded, waiting for an answer. It really wasn’t his fault he’d been swindled, but I was already on the edge, and there was no way in hell I was going to let him take out his anger on her.

I watched Hank process through his options, and a smile tipped my lips when his hands balled into fists.

Alright, so we’re doing this.

He took a step forward and came at me swinging. I dodged his first punch and landed a jab to his kidney, spinning him so his back was to me as he doubled over. I stepped forward and hooked my arms under his and linked them behind his neck.

Hank thrashed against me and protested, “Let me go!”

“Walk away,” I growled. The fight was over too soon, the bottled rage simmering in my veins begged for the chance to be unleashed. But I didn’t need to catch assault charges, and Hank didn’t need a hospital bill.

“The fuck I will,” he spat, and tried to break free. “She tried to steal my money!”

“But she didn’t.” I pushed Hank from my grasp and he stumbled forward, struggling to catch his breath.

“She stole my buddy’s, though,” he panted.

I turned around and faced Red, who, despite being thrown on the table, looked ready to throw fists of her own—namely at me.

“Give him back his money, Firefly.” The nickname felt right as it rolled off my tongue. She had a fire in her I couldn’t explain, and the yellow flecks in her green eyes reminded me of summers back home.

“Hell, no.” she scoffed. “I won fair and square.”

Damn she was beautiful when she was worked up.
