Page 118 of Snake's Head

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I looked at the man again. I couldn’t open my mouth to even answer. He gave me literal goosebumps.

My silence was enough of an answer for Bianca. “See, you feel it too. It is not ridiculous. I think, considering how we were brought up, both of us can tell when a man is dangerous.”

“I just don’t want you to be right. I don’t want any dangerous person around the kids.”

“Me too.” Bianca got up from the bench. “You know I am going to tell one of the bodyguards and play with the kids. Someone needs to stay close to them until the creep leaves.”

My whole body felt freezing at her words. I was too comfortable in my position, but there were still dangers out there. I had to be alert to keep Elsie safe. I hated that I didn’t do that. I should have been the one to notice that man, not Bianca. At this point, I just wanted him to leave.

I couldn’t stop my eyes from wandering in his direction constantly. I tried to watch the children and also check out what Bianca was doing. My brain was on high alert as I watched her go to the bodyguards. For some reason, one of them was missing. When I looked back at the kids, I saw them playing without a care in the world, and when I looked at the creepy guy, I saw him watching Bianca.

Then he looked at me and smiled.

That was the moment I moved, but he was faster than me. He ran towards the playground just like I did.

“Elsie!” I shouted, hoping she could run towards me and escape him. I shouted, hoping Bianca and the bodyguards could focus on us. I ran, hoping I could reach Elsie before that guy did. However, I couldn’t even move an inch forward.

A big hand wrapped around my throat and pulled me back. I saw Elsie looking at me with horrified eyes, but then I was slammed on my back with a guy on top of me. It hurt, but I couldn’t care because my girl was in danger. The guy’s hands remained around my throat, and he squeezed the life out of me. He looked at me like he hated me even though I had never seen him in my life. I knew he was going to kill me, but I still fought. I tried to push his hands away. I kicked and thrashed.

I just wanted to know if Elsie was okay. I could die after I knew she was safe and sound.

I heard a commotion. I heard kids screaming and bodyguards shouting. I even heard a gunshot. I was not sure, though. My vision was turning black, and my energy was draining way too fast. Tears were flowing out of my eyes. I just wanted to know if Elsie was okay.

My heart ached at the thought of leaving her. At least I knew Valerio was going to take care of her. I was dying, but my daughter was going to live, and she was going to be happy.

Just when I stopped fighting and was ready for darkness to take hold of me, I saw slender arms come around the guy on top of me. In the next moment, his hands left my throat, and his weight disappeared. I tried to take a breath, but it was too late.


“I am going to kill him,” I said between gritted teeth.

Salvatore gave me a sadistic smile. His eyes promised murder. “Only if I don’t kill him first. He is lucky Gia didn’t actually break her leg."

I stopped in my tracks just so I could look at my brother. “You are finally going to attack him then?”

“Of course I will,” he said, looking offended. “He organized an attack on my territory. He hurt my daughter and my sister-in-law. As soon as I have a confession from the attackers, we are putting the plan in motion.”

I nodded. “They are going to confess.” I was going to make sure of it, but first, I had to see my wife, so I started moving again.

Bianca was the one who called me. At the same time, Gia’s bodyguard called Salvatore. Apparently, three guys attacked them. One of them held Luce down and choked her as another attacked the children. Bodyguards were quick to interfere with the kids. When another guy just showed up from nowhere, Bianca helped them as well. They managed to pull the kids away and disarm the attackers. Only Gia hurt her leg, but as far as we know, it was not a severe injury.

Because they were dealing with the attack on the kids, it took some time for them to reach Luce. Bianca was the one who left the kids with the bodyguards and went to her. She took care of the guy choking her and made sure she was breathing since Luce was unconscious. I was happy that Bianca didn’t kill that guy because I was going to have so much fun torturing him until his death after he confessed.

Gino Borelli finally made the mistake we were waiting for, and now he was going to lose everything. This time he really fucked up. Any kind of attack would be enough for Sal to take action, but this time his daughter was hurt. He was going to be unhinged.

We came to his mansion first to make sure both Gia and Luce were okay. Bianca said they brought them here and called our private doctors. Deep inside, I knew Salvatore was going to ruin Gino, and I wanted to be with my family. I didn’t know Luce’s condition, and I was sure Elsie was very scared.

I saw Bianca in front of one of the guest rooms. “Val,” she said with an exhausted look. “She is inside.”

I took faster steps and asked, “What about Elsie?”

“She is with Clara and Bella. Bella is trying to distract them. They were kind of in shock.”

I nodded. I wanted to see my daughter, but my wife also needed me. I trusted my sister with Elsie. I would get to her soon.

When I barged into the room, Luce was lying down on the bed. For a second, my chest tightened, but then she looked at me and smiled. She was conscious, and she was smiling. I was on her side in a second, grabbing her hand and looking her up and down.

“I am okay,” she said like I was making a fuss, but that was far from it. She looked pale, and a ring of bruises circled her slender throat. The sight made my whole body tighten. I was going to kill the motherfucker who did this to her.
