Page 125 of The SongBird's Love

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She turned to him.

“I don’t care much about Ghost,” he said. “The hacker I need and want is you, just you. Regardless of if you’re really Ghost or... a girl in a pink catsuit.”

Eden rolled her eyes. She’d make Loir pay for that one...

“I mean it,” he resumed with a chuckle. “I saw what you are capable of. You’re an average bodyguard, but the best hacker I’ve seen. If I’m going to take down the Snake tonight, I can’t do it without you.”

“...What if I refuse, then?”

Dante shrugged.

“Then, maybe we’ll have more casualties. Or I’ll let Thao’s people die first...”

Eden shook her head, helpless. He was the definition of ruthless. Eden already could tell that once Dante had decided to do something, he’d do it regardless of the consequences. He was the kind of man who’d get his way no matter what. Even worse, his men would surely follow him into this madness. She couldn’t understand why or how they had become so blindly devoted to him, but it was the truth.

She sighed, and leaned her head back, ignoring his thumb caressing her leg... Could she really do this? Eden knew nothing of the Yakuza’s defenses. It would probably need to be checked by Loir first to assess the risks, but even so, there would be no saying how dangerous it would be. Her only positive point was that she’d very likely be away from the main action, away from the gunfights... and gunfights would definitely happen. Not only were they going to attack the Yakuza, but they might even have some altercations with Thao’s men. Unless the Rat didn’t attack tonight and waited for the next day or later? Eden had no idea, but she felt like that woman was probably just as ruthless as Dante. Moreover, he seemed sure they’d run into her... Eden let out a long sigh.

“...I hate you,” she grumbled.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” he said, a smile on his lips.

She shook her head but didn’t tell him otherwise. She wasn’t sure, and she didn’t feel like saying a definitive yes. She could always discuss it with Loir later... She had no idea how her crazy partner would react to it, but at least she knew he’d back her up if they decided to go...

“What about—”

Before Eden could finish her sentence, a massive explosion was heard behind them. All the cars around began honking, and Eden turned around to look out of the window.

The building they had left just minutes ago was on fire, large clouds of black smoke coming out of it. A bomb? Someone had planted a bomb at their meeting spot? Eden was shocked. They were inside that building not even a few minutes ago! She turned to Dante to see his reaction, but he had barely glanced. Even Rolf was only accelerating a bit, not looking concerned, as if they were already expecting this.

“What happened?” asked Eden, still shocked.

“I guess someone else heard about our little reunion.”


“How would I know? We all have enemies, and we are each other’s enemies as well. It doesn’t matter who.”

Eden felt a cold chill running down her spine. She glanced at the hand on her leg. This was the world of a Zodiac... a world even more ruthless, cold, and cruel than the one she knew. She had always thought she ought to be careful and look out for herself, but now, she was getting a glimpse of a world with even more dangers. One where the place they had stood minutes ago could be blasted, and he wouldn’t even bat an eye at it. It was so scary, but it was a daily thing for Dante. Eden suddenly realized how sheltered and protected she had been, living in his headquarters, in his apartment. Perhaps she was in more danger than ever now, solely based on the place she had agreed to take by his side. It was frightening to stand so high and only now realize how close she was to the edge...


Him calling her name shook Eden like an electric shock. She turned to him, a bit lost, but Dante had that very serious expression on.

“Don’t be afraid.”

“I’m not afraid,” she replied.

Eden couldn’t explain the emotion that was boiling up inside her at that moment. It probably wasn’t fear, but something much more complex. A feeling that couldn’t be described with normal words, something she had yet to fully understand and embrace. A bundle of so many things, Eden couldn’t detach her heart from it. She was stuck in that leather seat, with a narrow view of her future, and many, many questions unanswered.

Who had blown up the building, and why? It felt odd they would have missed the Zodiacs if they were trying to kill them. Or had someone stayed behind and been injured, or worse? Strangely, Eden couldn’t imagine either Tanya or A. being killed so simply...

“What kind of woman is she? Tanya?” she asked Dante.

“...Why are you asking that now?”

“If we are to work with the Zodiacs against the Core, I ought to know.”
