Page 124 of The SongBird's Love

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“I wish I could explain too...”

Eden glared again, unhappy with his answer. Yet, Dante remained silent and instead, took another drag from his cigarette. Annoyed, Eden took it from his lips.

“Stop smoking inside the car,” she said. “It stinks and I hate it.”

Rolf glanced at his boss from the rear mirror. Many would have gotten mad at that gesture, regardless of their position, and the boss was not known for his patience. Yet, to his surprise, Dante simply smiled, as if that cigarette being taken away by Eden was just funny. He brought his hand in front of his face to hide it, but he was definitely smiling... Rolf glanced to the other side after a quick check on the road.


The car ride continued silently, but it was clear the young blonde was upset by the boss’ attitude. Arms crossed, frowning, she resolutely looked out the window, making sure not to glance in his direction. Eden was truly annoyed, and she could almost sense his annoying grin anyway. Done smiling, Dante slowly poured himself another drink.

“...You can’t attack Yasumoto,” she said after a while.

“Why not.”

“He’s crazy and, from the little I know, he lives in a fortress.”

“I thought we were used to crazy by now. Moreover, his fortress is a technological one. Which is why I need you to help me get through.”

“You want me to hack his house?!” she exclaimed.

“Who else?”

Eden rolled her eyes. He was insane, and she didn’t sign up for this. Hacking the house of a Zodiac was completely different than infiltrating the Core with a quick trip in and out! Eden tried to remember as much as she could about the Snake, but nothing was good from what she recalled. Yasumoto was known to be temperamental, unforgiving, and violent. She had worked for the Japanese Snake once or twice before, and things had gone well only because she had done the job exactly as asked. Eden had heard about their ways, though; a mistake meant a bullet in the head. Loir had warned her before they took the jobs that other hackers had been killed for making a mistake or not fulfilling the task... Death threats were common in their world, so Eden had never backed down from a job, but... a frontal attack was very different.

Moreover, she had no idea what their server was like. She had never gone inside the Yakuza’s stronghold, so she would be going in blind with dozens of lives on the line. Even if they were mafiosos, Eden couldn’t fathom the responsibility of Dante’s men all weighing on her.

“...Why do you have to kill that guy?” she asked. “Let the Rat do it.”

“I like winning.”

“You’re just going to do this to satisfy your freaking ego?!” she shouted.

“I have a reputation to live up to.”

“You’re going to get yourself killed!”

“Not if you help me out.”

Eden was shocked. Exactly how much did that insane man trust her skills? It was true she was good, but... she had no idea what she was getting herself into this time, and the Zodiacs weren’t playing as nice or by the rules as per the Core’s System. She may even have to face other hackers, which was another kind of problem she’d rather stay away from. Additionally, Eden felt even worse as he had turned this into a “you-and-I” situation. She felt like she was going to be his lifeline in this mad plan of his, and it wasn’t sitting well with her at all.

“Listen,” she sighed, “even if I somehow manage to hack into that fortress his place is said to be, I might get caught up with his hackers. I know for a fact the Japanese employ some, and I don’t think any will let me in nicely, and even if I manage to gain control, they won’t leave me be. This means that you can’t rely on me to help you there! Also, with both you and the Rat going, it will become a real battlefield!”

“It wouldn’t be my first one,” chuckled Dante, sipping his whiskey.

“Well, then it’s surprising you’ve made it this far. Zodiacs don’t go after each other, you leave the small fry to try and do that!”

“Eden, if we have to go up against the Core, we need Old Man Long’s power,” he declared, very serious.

“...What do you mean?”

Eden had an odd feeling about all this. Earlier, it was clear all four Zodiacs were determined to end the Core’s plan, but they weren’t even fully sure of that plan yet. Still, it felt as if everyone was already gearing up for some kind of battle, and with the way Dante talked about taking the Dragon’s territory, Eden was slowly starting to realize just how big everything was threatening to become. She wasn’t sure she was ready for that.

As a lone hacker, it was easy to make intrusions into the Core’s System, get in and out in a matter of minutes, and put it behind her. There were no real consequences on the line aside from her own life, like a nameless thief on their own committing a small robbery: easily done, and alone to bear the guilt and consequences if caught. But this... this was different. Eden could feel something big about to happen. She already hated the idea of Dante fighting another Zodiac, although he made it sound like a mere school trip. Now, she was starting to envision what would come after... what Tanya and A. were really thinking about when they said they’d warn everyone. The Zodiacs were truly about to fight. Not through their people this time, and not against each other.

They were prepared to fight back against the Core.

She felt her chest tighten. Eden was used to running, running away. She couldn’t see herself on the frontlines of a large-scale fight against the Core. She shook her head and crossed her arms. Gently, Dante put his hand on her knee.
