Page 132 of The SongBird's Love

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“If he’s still in the building, he’s definitely there...” she sighed.

“...What would he do in a garage?” asked George, who couldn’t help it.

“Don’t ask.”

They ran back into the elevator, this time hitting the button for the lowest floor. According to the panel, there were three underground levels, but they stopped at the first one.

It opened into a wide garage, with dozens of black cars lined up. The closest ones, though, were much more colorful and luxurious; probably Dante’s personal collection. Eden tried not to look too long at any of them, even the gorgeous bikes. She had always dreamt of having one...

“Did he possibly steal a vehicle?” asked Rolf.

“How the hell would he drive?” scoffed Eden. “He’s too scared to even step on the sidewalk by himself... No, he’s probably just hiding in here... Loir!”

As her voice echoed in the parking lot, no one responded. Eden sighed and put down her pup.

“Go get him!” she said.

The pup happily barked and began running across the large parking lot. Eden couldn’t tell if Beer was only having fun with all that space just for him or if he was actually running to his twin, but she followed him nonetheless. After a while and some more barking, another pup’s bark answered, making her feel relieved. At least Bullet wasn’t lost... The pup appeared from under a car and ran to her, not looking upset in any way.

“Now, where is that idiot...” she sighed.

As the pups began playing together, Eden kept walking between the vehicles, unsure where to look. Rolf and George both arrived to help her look, although they seemed unsure about what was going on.

“Why would the hacker come here?” whispered George, probably worried about his boss hearing him.

Dante, who was leaning against one of his cars near the elevator, was smoking another cigarette and watching them, with clearly no intent to help.

“Loir!” Eden roared.

Where the hell was he? She kept checking inside the cars one after another, around the area Bullet had come from, as he probably had hacked his way inside one of them... With the tinted windows, it was taking a long while, though. Moreover, she wondered why Bullet was out if Loir had gone into one of them. Worried, she glanced toward the exit of the garage... He couldn’t have gotten out for real?

“Here!” suddenly exclaimed George.

He pushed Loir’s desk chair from between two cars, making Eden roll her eyes and join him.

“Where the hell... Loir!”

Suddenly, she froze, after she heard something. From his shocked expression, George had heard it too.

“...Was that snoring?”

Eden rolled her eyes and held her hand out.

“Give me your gun.”

“What? I’m not giving you my gun, you crazy wom–”

Before he finished his sentence, George glanced toward his boss and, with lightning speed, changed his mind and handed her his weapon with a grimace. Eden sighed and lifted the weapon. She fired two shots in the air, the detonations resonating in the empty parking lot.

A high-pitched yelp came from two cars away, with the loud bang of something hitting metal. Eden gave the gun back to George and walked over to where the sound had come from.

“What the fuck, Loir?!”

She got on all fours, and finally found the hacker, lying under a vehicle, grimacing and massaging his head.

“You scared me...” he whined. “I thought we were under attack...”

“Your ass is going to be under attack if you don’t crawl your way out of there before I come and get you!”
