Page 133 of The SongBird's Love

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The hacker whimpered, but he obeyed, using his arms to get himself out of there. Beer and Bullet came along to bark and happily play with him, thinking there was some strange, fun game going on. As soon as Loir was out from under the vehicle, George pushed the chair forward, but the hacker ignored him, sitting against the car and grimacing again at Eden.

“Why are you so mad at me...”

“Why the hell are you here with my dog?!”

“What? I only came here for a nap and Bullet wanted to come along...” yawned the hacker, rubbing his neck.

“A nap?” repeated George, baffled. “In here?!”

“So what? I love the smell of rubber and gasoline. It’s very soothing.”

“Loir, you can’t disappear out of the blue like that!” yelled Eden. “You don’t take my dogs anywhere and you don’t leave without telling someone where the hell you are! Do you know how many people could be trying to kill you right now!”

“I do have a dozen names at the top of my mind. Do you want alphabetical order or–”


He grimaced.

“So much yelling... I get it... It can’t be helped. Those crazy people locked me up without any food or a nice place to sleep, so I had no choice but to get out and find a very comfy place...”

“Oh, so now we are the crazy ones?” scoffed George.

“Your name is Pesto, how is that crazy?”

“You’re the one who calls me that, you damn—!”

“Stop giving in to his nonsense,” sighed Eden, raising her hand to have him shut up. “It only makes him want to continue... Loir, get on your chair, we’re going back upstairs.”

“So bossy... Are you the one in charge now that you’ve laid down with the Big Kitty?” asked Loir with a pout.

“W-what? How the hell do you...”

Loir suddenly noticed Eden’s angry expression, and that what he had said probably shouldn’t have been said out loud. With a confused expression, he tapped his index fingers together, visibly unsure.

“Well... You know, it can’t be helped. There are cameras everywhere in this place. They don’t have any security, either, so I—”

“Loir, shut the fuck up and get back in that chair before I permanently imprint your inked face onto this damn floor.”

He squeaked and obeyed quickly, pulling himself up with some effort. With a long sigh, trying to calm his blushing, George pushed him back toward the elevator, not daring to add a word. After what he had just heard, which confirmed everything he and his peers had already been suspecting, he just didn’t dare to utter a sound. This hacker truly was asking for a beating... Perhaps that woman was just not daring enough to beat a disabled man. She only angrily walked back to the elevator, her pups struggling to follow her until Rolf picked them up.

Their strange group arrived at the elevator, Dante waiting with a grin.

“Welcome back,” he said to Loir.

“Why is she always so grumpy?” Loir whispered back, unable to realize he was still too loud for anyone not to hear him. “You must be bad at massages if she’s still so—”

“Loir, I said shut the fuck up.”

The doors to the elevator closed and no one added a word; only Dante’s amused chuckle could be heard, and Eden’s glares were alternating between him and the hacker, unable to decide which one she was the maddest at.

It finally opened again into the control room Loir was staying in, and he rolled his desk chair alone back to the desk as if nothing had happened. Eden followed him, deciding not to let the hacker out of her sight this time. Meanwhile, Rolf put down the pups and leaned toward George to whisper.

“Get rid of our Chief of Security.”


“Trust me, it’s either you or him.”
