Page 1 of Securing His Heart

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There have been a few times in my life when I’ve had to step up to the plate and do what needed to be done. The first time was when Charlotte, my sister, was just a baby and our parents died. My parent’s death woke me up in so many ways.

I grew up in the spotlight and was a child star with all the trappings. With their death, I stopped the drugs and the partying because Charlotte was relying on me to be better, to do better, and raise her. Making better choices wasn’t always easy, but it was worth it. Seeing her grow up and helping her to become a kind, thoughtful, and well-rounded human being has been more than enough.

When it was time for me to move on from Hollywood life and make the decision to stay in Denver after meeting Blake Higgins and falling for my own personal colossus, it was a natural thing to do. He is the man I never knew I needed in my life, and he’s given me more than I ever dreamed I could have. He’s given me a family which extends beyond Charlotte and our daughter, Grace.

He’s given me love, a home, and a purpose beyond myself. I have more now than I ever did while I was caught up in all the celebrity crap and thinking it was the only way I could give Charlotte the life she deserves.

Now, though? Now, he’s crumbling right before my eyes. I can’t fucking stand it anymore.

He has taken on the blame for something which is simply not his fault.

I can understand why he’s doing it, but it’s not right.

River, one of the artists signed to White Picket Fences Records, owned and operated by the rock band Suburban Outcasts who are part of our family, was attacked at the end of her second tour. If it were just an attack, I think Blake could have shaken it off, but it was so much more. She was stalked throughout her tour which is why Blake sent Kostya and Flynn as extra protection. What no one realized was that Johnny, her original bodyguard, was her stalker.

Johnny was enraged because River didn’t fall for him. The whole situation was made worse when she started a relationship with Kostya and Flynn.

I can feel my husband’s turmoil over not seeing the man Johnny really was and for putting River in a dangerous position. He’s taken on the guilt of it all as if he made Johnny’s decisions or forced him to become obsessed with the pop princess. Blake didn’t. All he did was trust the man he hired to be part of Higgins Security.

There was no way for him to prevent what happened. He did his best. Really, he’s the reason she’s safe and in love now, considering he sent Kostya and Flynn her way. Who knows what would have happened if Blake hadn’t sent them.

Johnny was going to leap off the deep end no matter what. I know it and I think Blake does too but knowing it does nothing to alleviate his guilt.

I’ve sat back and watched my husband beat himself up over this for far too long. Hell even one day would have been too long, but it’s been weeks now.

I’m done letting him work through this on his own.

I hug Amelia one more time before leaving her house, murmuring, “Thank you for keeping Charlotte and Grace with you for the weekend.”

When I pull back from her, she’s all smiles with understanding in her eyes. “Are you kidding? We love having Lottie here. And anyway, she’ll probably end up spending at least one night over at Chloe and Ryder’s place to hang out with Genesis.” She laughs lightly. “Those two might be trouble one day, you better watch out. Grace is such a good little girl; she fits right on in with the brood and you know she’s welcome anytime.”

I can’t help but smile. This is what I was missing in my life for so long. I used to be lonely even when surrounded by a room full of people. Everyone knew me, but no one really knew the real me. They knew the woman who would smile at the camera and hit her marks on set. They didn’t know I worried about my sister constantly and about the life I was giving her.

Now, I don’t worry about those things. I know Charlotte has a good life and I know Grace does as well. Charlotte may be my sister, but I’ve raised her. It’s a little different with Grace, but Blake and I try to ensure Lottie knows she is loved and valued. Grace didn’t replace her; she simply made our lives fuller.

Amelia’s eyebrows knit together, and her eyes go soft. “I’ve been worried about Blake. He’s been so,” she pauses and chews on her lower lip, “withdrawn lately. I know he’s beating himself up about River, but it wasn’t his fault.”

“No,” my voice is firm making Amelia smile wide, “it’s not his fault and it’s time he understood it. I’ve sat back and let him stew long enough.”

“It’s eating him up inside. Don’t be too hard on him,” there’s a teasing note in her voice.

I soften at the thought of causing my husband more pain. I might not be willing to let this go on any longer, but I’m not going to make him feel worse either. He needs to know that I trust him with my life and that the rest of the family does as well.

Our confidence in him wasn’t shaken. Hell, it wasn’t even rattled. He can’t control a psycho stalker. No one expects him to.

I get one more hug for good luck or strength or something and then I’m off, content in knowing the little humans I love with my entire heart are taken care of. Now, it’s time to go and take care of the giant who owns every part of me. He has no idea I’m coming for him.



I feel like I can’t make any decisions without second or third guessing myself, sometimes more. I hate it and it goes against everything I’ve been taught and everything I’ve trusted about myself up to this point. I’m supposed to be in charge at Higgins Security. Fuck, the company has my name on it.

I’m supposed to be trusted to make decisions. I’m supposed to have my shit together.
