Page 5 of Securing His Heart

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The moment I walk through the doors I swear I can hear the laughter of our family around us. I can feel them supporting me in a way I haven’t allowed myself since everything went down with River. How could they support me when I was the one who put someone in danger?

No. Johnny put River in danger. It was his choice, not mine.

I don’t stop following my wife as she moves through the cabin, bypassing the open plan living room and kitchen. Her hips sway in a way which would make a cobra in a basket jealous. I’m hypnotized by the movement. Back and forth. Back and forth.

My cock thickens in my jeans, and I almost groan at the idea of no one being around to hear us. I want her naked and dripping for me so I can worship her the way she deserves.

“Are you trying to seduce me?” There’s a tease in my tone, “Because you gotta know, Mrs. Higgins, I’m a sure thing.”

She grins at me over her shoulder as she steps into the master bedroom of our little mountain getaway. It’s the room we claimed as our own on our first trip here. The rest of the rooms in the house are more than enough and I suggested we turn this room into a kid’s room, complete with bunkbeds, because of the size. Margot insisted on keeping this one for me, for us.

I’m glad now because, as I look at the four-poster bed, I can’t wait to strip my wife and enjoy every single inch of her. I’ve been neglecting her, and it simply won’t do any longer. My heart aches at the idea of me not being there for her and not giving her what she needs.

She drops the bag off her shoulder onto the bed and spins toward me, a wicked glint in her eyes which has my cock throbbing in response. Her hands press against my chest before gliding down and gripping the hem of my shirt. She’s so small compared to me at almost seven feet tall, but it only makes her more precious in my eyes.

She sasses me, “I’m going to need your help here.” She purrs with a wink, “I got the lower half.”

I reach back and pull my shirt off, letting it fall to the ground. Her hands, covered in her soft as fuck skin, immediately reach for my chest. The way she touches me, awe in her eyes and love in her heart, makes me feel stronger.

It’s all because of her.

She’s the reason. She always has been.

“Blake,” my wife whispers my name and I let out a low growl in response which has her violet eyes lighting up. “You know, you can’t beat yourself up about this anymore. You know why, right?”

I shake my head, my mouth dry while I stand and stare at the oasis which I can’t believe is really mine sometimes. She could just be a mirage, but her hands on me ground me and prove to me how real she is.


Margot kisses my chest, right where my heart beats for her. “Because River was right where she was supposed to be right when she was supposed to be there.”

“How do you figure? She was almost…” my voice is rising with every word and one thing I will never do is yell at my woman, not when she’s only trying to talk to me, to make me see from her perspective. I bite my tongue and close my eyes, shaking my head violently.

“I know what she was almost,” Margot whispers, “but she wasn’t. Flynn and Kostya were there. They found her so damn fast. They were right where they needed to be too.” I feel her hands on my cheeks and know she’s stretching to touch me like this. My eyes snap open and I look down at her, my little flower. “The three of them needed to go through that to find each other. Flynn and Kostya needed the purpose, the reason to come together so they could be everything for River.” She shrugs her shoulder casually. “It was fate’s test and they passed.”

“What did they win? Trauma?”

Margot’s eyes soften as she looks at me, her hands gliding down my cheeks, neck, and chest, to come to my jeans where she flicks open the button and slides down the zipper. I can feel the movements, feel the way she touches me, but my eyes are captivated by hers. I can see every one of my wife’s truths right there.

She doesn’t blame me. She feels safe with me. She trusts me.

Is that what I was afraid of all this time? My failure when it comes to River meaning my wife would lose hope in me? If she did, I would be devastated.

“They won love,” she says it as easily as if she just said the sky is blue and the grass is green.

Margot pushes my jeans down, along with my boxers before she drops down and unlaces my boots which I quickly kick away. Having my wife this close to my hard cock, which is throbbing like it’s begging her to take notice, is fucking with me.

Don’t grab her face and start fucking it.

I clench my fists to stop myself. She’s running this show and I’m just along for the ride. It was clear the moment she walked through the door. I’m more than willing to see where Margot’s little plan for me to regain faith in myself takes us.

I lift each foot as she rolls my socks down and off, her violet eyes looking up at me, two gems shining back at me brightly.

When she stands, she kisses my chest again.

“Lay down in the middle of the bed, please,” her smile is so fucking naughty it has pre-cum forming at the tip of my cock as she coos the last word, “husband.”

