Page 12 of Kevlar To My Vest

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Radar’s claws clicked on the floor as we made our way to the lockers, and the closer we got, the more and more upset I got.

“Sir, I’ve never even seen the bag before in my life. I don’t even carry a backpack. I can’t afford one. My little brother has mine.” Falco was explaining.

“That’s true. He’s been without a bag since the beginning of the semester. His broke over Christmas vacation. His brother explained that he needed the bag, otherwise he couldn’t hold his cane.” I explained as I approached the gathering.

Radar, who’d been at my side, leaned on me just as my cane bumped something. I stopped, and waited.

Trance didn’t disappoint.

“Officer Monroe, I’m inclined to agree with Falco and Ms. Sheffield. Pending review of the tapes, I think we should put this off until we know more about that. How long will it take you to get the surveillance feed?” Trance asked.

“Twenty four to forty eight hours or so. The school is monitored through a third party. We’ll have to request the feed from them, and then review it ourselves before we can let you know anymore.” Officer Monroe explained.

I heard Falco’s sigh of relief, and moments later a rough, strong palm cupped the back of my elbow.

“Okay, I’ll check back with you tomorrow. Is there anything else you want Radar to check today?” Trance asked.

“Nothing today, Officer Spurlock. Thank you for coming. Mr. Falco, please return to class.” Officer Monroe said firmly.

I saw the movement of shadows disperse. All but one, that was.

“You’re going to get yourself into trouble, Viddy.” Trance sighed. “Who was the chick who called you names?”

“Sandra. I took over her job when we merged the schools. She doesn’t like me very much.” I admitted.

Trance snorted. “Where are you headed to?”

“Fuck! I need to go. My cab is here.” I said hurriedly, rushing towards the exit, and counting the steps out of habit.

However, bright windows and doors were the easiest things for me to make out with the difference in not only light and shadows, but also the heat. I could hear the difference as well. The cars outside, or the mowers, the breeze through the trees. Everything together made the sound of outside different from the sound of inside.

“Hey, Viddy. Wait up. Where are you going?” Trance asked at my side.

“I have a doctor’s appointment. Why?” I said, hurrying out of the door.

Once I made it down the steps, Trance pulled me up short. “Jesus Christ, you just scared the shit out of me.”

I turned my head towards him, completely confused. “Why?”

“You just practically threw yourself down the stairs. You know, they have ramps for a reason.” He growled, taking a hold of my hand and leading me towards...somewhere.

“Step down.” Trance said, slowing slightly.

I stepped down off the curb before being pulled to a stop.

I heard a door being opened, and then my body was being gently positioned until I was pushed into Trance’s cruiser.

“Watch your hands.” Trance said just before he closed the door.

I rolled my eyes as I waited for my knight in shining armor to get Radar in the car, followed shortly by himself before he started the car up and drove out of the parking lot.

He slowed, though, and I heard his window roll down. Then he said, “She doesn’t need a ride. Sorry about that.”

I heard the zzzzzip of the window rolling up, and then silence as we exited the school.

“Who usually takes you to school?” Trance asked after a few more long moments of silence.

“Whoever’s in the area.Most of the time it’s Adeline, sometimes it’s Kettle. Other times it’s other girls at work. If nobody is available I call a cab.” I explained tiredly.

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